PowerPoint Party Ideas

3 min readJan 15, 2023


If you’re not familiar with this new kick-back trend, the last 2 years of the pandemic has made the younger generations creative as hell, probably stemming from the majority of them being forced to merge their social and academic lives, and keeping company to only a small repetitive group for health safety. PowerPoint parties are the new party theme. Yes, you heard me — PowerPoint, exactly like that Paul Revere project you put off for 2 weeks until the night before that you had to craft on your desktop computer in 2005.

It’s simply just a night that consists of a group of friends getting together at someone’s home, and each presents any topic of their choosing.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

If you’ve been invited to a PowerPoint party, or are thinking about hosting one, here are a few ideas you can use if you’ve been feeling creativity blocks:

  • What Pro-Athletes I Think I Could Beat In A Fist Fight
  • Who Here I Think Is Bad At Laser Tag (do or do not give detail on why you think that, i.e. can’t drink a glass of water without spilling, etc.)
  • What Side of TikTok I Think Former US Presidents Would Be On
  • Are They ___ (a celebrity, any gender) Hot Or Just __ (tall/jacked/etc)?
  • My Weird Food Cravings: Did I Make This Snack Impaired or Sober (have them guess and you can share the answer or not)?
  • How Far Into A Horror Movie I Think Everyone Here Would Die (do or do not give detail on why you think that)
  • Emojis That People Use That Makes Me Less Attracted To Them
  • Do You Think I’ve Committed These Crimes: Yes or No? (I will not tell them if I have or not — I don’t know what vibe I give off but I’ve been told by some that the moment they first saw me they assumed I’ve been to juvie, been arrested as an adult, etc. Once I was told by someone they were overly nice to me when we first met because I was wearing a leather jacket and assumed I’d punch them??? WHY!? NO! Anyway..)
  • Why I Think ____ (literally any topic — maybe you believe the conspiracy theory that Avril Lagvine was replaced with a clone years ago)
  • Everyone Here But As A Condiment (yes like mustard)
  • A Brief History of ____ (literally any topic)
  • Things I Hate (in no particular order, or in order)
  • Movies That At One Point In My Life I Had A Fixation On (include opinions on why I think that I watched them so often, or not include why)
  • Lies That My Mother Told Me Growing Up (When I was little I was told not to get too close to the metro tracks bc the dragon would get me, and then when I’d stand as far back from the tracks as possible with my back against the concrete walls my mom would say the rush of wind coming up from the walls from arriving trains was the dragon moving under the platform looking for people standing close to the tracks…I’m almost 30 and still lean against the concrete half-wall when waiting for the train and think about this when I feel the air pressure from arrive trains and look at the children running wild near the tracks)
  • Rating Pics of My Cat Sleeping

As you can see, there are limitless possibilities on PowerPoint party ideas to run with. I could literally spend days making a list. You could also choose a theme for the party and people have to make PowerPoints in a subcategory (tv show characters, cities, astrological sun/moon/rising/etc signs, etc).

