Brave New World: A Journey in Social Media

I’m experiencing a strange feeling. Could it be social media, course and client bereavement? This sounds odd but today is the first day I have not posted or tweeted for my client and I’m all over the place. It is the end of an intense and all consuming 6-months working with Digital Mums HQ and with my client A Little Bird. Working and studying has given me purpose and confidence again. I get up for work on Monday and down tools on Sunday. The only difference is the hours. They are child friendly and flexible. No 9–5 anymore, no commute and no anxiety if you’re child is ill or in the school nativity. I am able to take and collect my little boy from nursery and spend quality time with him day to day. He is three and it’s been a joy watching him grow up. But it’s also been hard financially and sacrifices have been made.

I took a career break in 2012 when I had Felix. I am a freelance Production Manager in television, so there was no role for me to return to when I left. The hours in television are often very long and not at all family friendly. In order to stay at home and be with Felix I had to find a job which worked around him. For the past two years I have worked evenings in a local restaurant and pub. This is by no means ideal but it does mean I have my days free to study and take care of him. On the downside, I have no social life and it’s hard work physically for not much money.

Finding Digital Mums was fortuitious. I was having lunch with a friend and was feeling very tired and troubled by my work situation. She had read an article about Digital Mums and told me to look them up. I have to say, it was one of those ‘aha’ moments. I had heard about them before and something just felt right about the timing of this conversation. As soon as I got home I switched the computer on and got in touch. It turned out to be my lucky day.

Digital Mums has been amazing. It has also been an endurance test! It has made me laugh and cry in equal measure and has allowed me to be a part of a very special community which has been wonderfully supportive. But the most important thing it has given me is a belief in myself and the ability to push myself again and be proud of my achievements. I’ve fallen asleep at my computer, I’ve wanted to throw the computer out the window. I’ve cried, laughed, groaned and nearly had a meltdown, but now I can honestly say — I am sad it’s nearly over.

Looking back over the last 6 months and this extraordinary journey in Social Media, I am really grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Digital Mum community and experience. I have worked with THE most amazing and creative client I could have wished for. A Little Bird has made me look at London through new eyes and they have allowed me the opportunity to work on their platforms which has been a huge priveledge. I have learnt so much and have unlocked creative skills which have not seen light of day since art college (a long time ago)!

The future? well I am confident it is digital (and rosy). I will now spend some time on my own SoMi platforms and will hone my skills as well as revisiting a lot of the assignments in greater depth. I will definitely stay in touch with my fantastic peer group and I feel confident we will help eachother in the future. I am talking to friends with small businesses and they are keen to use my skills and knowledge. I also want to start my own business so the lessons I have learnt will be invaluable.

I recommend Digital Mums to any woman wanting to get back to work in a job which allows them time with family. It is a rewarding and diverse role which changes day to day and will continue to do so as the social media landscape changes. Experienced career women and mothers are nurturing by nature and hugely resourceful. The role of Digital Media Manager captures all of these strengths and uses them on a daily basis.

And so this only leaves me with more thing to say. A big thank you to Nikki Cochrane, Kathryn Tyler, supermum Kathryn Dyer and Richard at Digital Mum HQ. Thank you for championing mums everywhere. And to my cohorts and peer group. You’ve held my hand throughout and I’m grateful to you all. Good Luck!

It’s been emotional.

Brave New World: A Social Media Journey