Project 2: Responsive Web Design

Megan Porter
3 min readNov 16, 2018


Getting Started:

The ideal goal of this site is for individuals that are interested in the VCD program we have here at eastern. It’s important for possible students, and more, to have the correct information and have easy navigation. Bad format of a site can make it confusing and aggravating for users and may possibly be turned off towards the program. Our School Vcd program looks sad and uninviting, so making our program look easy and exciting was my goal for this site.

SWOT Competitive Analysis:

S- The advantages of my organization is that it features all the information needed in a convent layout. It’s modern and visually appealing for a visual graphic design program. The site features straight forward buttons for easy navigation.

W- I could improve on making it more of a unique layout for the phone site, while my website needs some work on the sizing of information as too not feel so consuming. The intense bright color may be a low point, because some viewers may find it too much and straining.

O- I spot good opportunities in the modern look I tried to go for. A bright miniamal chic. I added photos of real students to convey a sense of familiarity and set the atmosphere of school.

T-My competitors go for a more right to the point and they all seem rather dull. Graphics can be boring and dull but most of the time they are fun and exciting and add something for the viewers. I could be threatened by the fact it looks more official then mine.



For my wire frames I wanted to keep them minimal and with easy navigation. However, I also really wanted to account for a more modern fresh look. So I went for a design that was bold and interesting to the eye. We had to take in the account that the site had to provide a much of information without being over-whelming. So I did my best to organize the information so it not be confusing

Style Tiles:

My style tiles could have more variety. However, for my style tile 1, I went with a darker more professional theme. The blocked, unimaginative, straight forward information layouts. The text was bold and sans-serif with bolder and darker colors. With my second style tile, I went with more modern layouts that were unique to most layouts. The colors are brighter and the texts are serif creating a dainty more modern design look.

High Fidelity Prototypes:

For my final sites. I ended up pretty happy with the resutls. It’s bright, easy and not too over whelming. I wanted it easy to read and easy to find the information. I ended up choosing yellow because yellow is associated with happy and welcoming. I also find it a very unique choose and VCD is a very creative field where I feel inspiration is needed everywhere. For website, I wish I had made the content more condensed in the middle of the site instead of trying for the full page effect. I had thought about making the navigation movable with the scroll but it was a little too heavy. In the end I’m very happy with the result. For my phone site, I feel like it turned out rather good. The text is easy to see and it looks exciting and informational.

