Megan Semler
2 min readAug 2, 2017

Attitude of Gratitude Challenge: Day 1

I have been inspired by to accept this writing challenge as a way to work towards a more grateful heart and a less negative outlook on life. It’s very, very easy to become focused on the imperfects of life, and then we miss out on all the wonderful little things.

I’m going to start small and simple because I’ve never had a blog or any kind of public writing space, I do not count Facebook. Who knows, maybe I’ll expand as I get more comfortable with this new hobby (should I even call it that yet? Hobby implies I do this frequently…)

So here we go, today I am grateful for:

A wonderful man who goes out of his way to support and encourage me, as well as doing everything in his power to make me happy.

A week in the woods that put some things in perspective and have reminded me what o want out of life, even if it has made this positivity goal a little more difficult (maybe I should also work on patience, everything in His time right?)

Today’s storms. I love storms. Thunder, lightning, even the rain. There’s something about nature unleashing itself for a moment; it’s not chaos, or maybe it is.

So there it is. Hopefully the beginning of my journey to a more grateful heart and positive life.