ArgoCD Resource Hooks.

gaurav agnihotri
3 min readJan 11, 2023


Helped In E2E setup

Argo + Hooks

A few Use cases for hooks are:

A- Before deploying a new version of the app, use a PreSync hook to perform a database schema migration.

B- Using a Sync hook to orchestrate a complex deployment requiring more sophistication than the Kubernetes rolling update strategy.

C- After a deployment, use a PostSync hook to run integration and health checks.

D- If a Sync operation fails, use a SyncFail hook to run cleanup or finalizer logic. Hooks for SyncFail are only available in v1.2

In My use case —

I need to create an End-2-End setup, which means that after deploying a service via ArgoCD and ensuring that the pods are operational, I need to immediately run the unit test to complete my CI/CD process.

As a result, PostSync hook is appropriate for my use case.

So, in this blog, we will discuss PostSync hook configuration.

Just walk through the below file once.

1 apiVersion: batch/v1
2 kind: Job
3 metadata:
4 name: ms-echoserver-Unit-test-trigger
5 annotations:
6 PostSync
7 HookSucceeded
8 spec:
9 template:
10 metadata:
11 labels:
12 name: unit-test
13 spec:
14 containers:
15 - name: unit-test
16 args:
17 - /bin/sh
18 - -ec
19 - "curl --location --request POST \"\" --header \"Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}\" --header \"Content-Type: application/json\"
20 --data-raw '{
21 \"commit\": \"HEAD\",
22 \"branch\": \"main\",
23 \"message\": \"Triggered by ArgoCD post deployment of ms-echoserver :rocket:\"
24 }'"
25 env:
26 - name: GITHUB_TOKEN
27 valueFrom:
28 secretKeyRef:
29 name: ms-echoserver-secret
30 key: token
32 image: curlimages/curl
33 restartPolicy: Never
34 backoffLimit: 0

I will talk about the lines that you want to consider in your setup.

Line 2 — kind: Job

I’m running it as a kind:job because it’s only needed after every successful service deployment, and once it’s triggered, the job’s task is completed, so kind:job is the right kind in my case.

Line 6 : PostSync [Hook annotation]

Line 7: HookSucceeded

[Once the hook has been triggered and the job has been completed, it will be deleted.]

Line 19: curl command

Edit Curl commands to suit your needs. In my situation, I use the buildkite tool to start my unit test.

curl --location --request POST  \"\" --header \"Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}\" --header \"Content-Type: application/json\"

Line 32: I am triggering the unit-test-pipeline using Curl command and for that I Created a custom image which is having curl & Jq installed .

Docker file-

FROM alpine:3.15

RUN apk add --no-cache bash curl jq

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]

This Docker file only contains curl and jq.

Tip:- Avoid installing any software or tools that you don’t need; this will help you to maintain security.

You can view the status of your pipeline of unit tests as follows:

Click Me-

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I hope this post is informative and useful for you :)

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