LinkerD Service Profiles-

gaurav agnihotri
4 min readMay 23, 2023


Service Profiles allow you to specify how requests should be routed and controlled, and how responses should be transformed. They enable fine-grained control and customization for each service in the mesh.

With Service profiles, you can setup:

  • Retries
  • Timeouts

How Service Profile Looks Like —

apiVersion:   #LinkerD Api version
kind: ServiceProfile # Custom resource kind
creationTimestamp: null
name: web-svc.emojivoto.svc.cluster.local # The name refers to the FQDN of your Kubernetes service.
namespace: emojivoto
- condition: # HTTP method/path Combination
method: GET
pathRegex: /api/list
name: GET /api/list
- condition: # HTTP method/path Combination
method: GET
pathRegex: /api/vote
name: GET /api/vote

How you Can generate the Service Profile

There are a couple of different ways to use linkerd profile to create service profiles

  • Template
  • Auto-Creation
  • Swagger
  • Protobuf

Keep in mind — your ServiceProfile name should match The name refers to the FQDN of your Kubernetes service, Else it won’t work

Service profile name explanation

1- Generate the Service Profile using “Template” —

linkerd profile -n emojivoto web-svc --template
### ServiceProfile for web-svc.emojivoto ###
kind: ServiceProfile
name: web-svc.emojivoto.svc.cluster.local #FQDN of your Kubernetes service
namespace: emojivoto
# A service profile defines a list of routes. Linkerd can aggregate metrics
# like request volume, latency, and success rate by route.
- name: '/authors/{id}'

# Each route must define a condition. All requests that match the
# condition will be counted as belonging to that route. If a request
# matches more than one route, the first match wins.
# The simplest condition is a path regular expression.
pathRegex: '/authors/\d+'

# This is a condition that checks the request method.
method: POST

# If more than one condition field is set, all of them must be satisfied.
# This is equivalent to using the 'all' condition:
# all:
# - pathRegex: '/authors/\d+'
# - method: POST

# Conditions can be combined using 'all', 'any', and 'not'.
# any:
# - all:
# - method: POST
# - pathRegex: '/authors/\d+'
# - all:
# - not:
# method: DELETE
# - pathRegex: /info.txt

# A route may be marked as retryable. This indicates that requests to this
# route are always safe to retry and will cause the proxy to retry failed
# requests on this route whenever possible.
# isRetryable: true

# A route may optionally define a list of response classes which describe
# how responses from this route will be classified.

# Each response class must define a condition. All responses from this
# route that match the condition will be classified as this response class.
- condition:
# The simplest condition is a HTTP status code range.
min: 500
max: 599

# Specifying only one of min or max matches just that one status code.
# status:
# min: 404 # This matches 404s only.

# Conditions can be combined using 'all', 'any', and 'not'.
# all:
# - status:
# min: 500
# max: 599
# - not:
# status:
# min: 503

# The response class defines whether responses should be counted as
# successes or failures.
isFailure: true

# A route can define a request timeout. Any requests to this route that
# exceed the timeout will be canceled. If unspecified, the default timeout
# is '10s' (ten seconds).
# timeout: 250ms

# A service profile can also define a retry budget. This specifies the
# maximum total number of retries that should be sent to this service as a
# ratio of the original request volume.
# retryBudget:
# The retryRatio is the maximum ratio of retries requests to original
# requests. A retryRatio of 0.2 means that retries may add at most an
# additional 20% to the request load.
# retryRatio: 0.2

# This is an allowance of retries per second in addition to those allowed
# by the retryRatio. This allows retries to be performed, when the request
# rate is very low.
# minRetriesPerSecond: 10

# This duration indicates for how long requests should be considered for the
# purposes of calculating the retryRatio. A higher value considers a larger
# window and therefore allows burstier retries.
# ttl: 10s

Make the changes manually as required and clean up the above file depending on your needs.

2- Generate the Service Profile using “Auto-Creation” —

You can also generate service profiles by watching live traffic. This is based on tap data. This generates a service profile from the traffic observed to deploy/web over the 10 seconds that this command is running

linkerd viz profile -n emojivoto web-svc — tap deploy/web — tap-duration 10s
Service profile using ‘tap’ flag

I hope this post is informative and useful for you :)

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