Why You Should Pray Even If You Don’t Believe in God

It’s not about God — it’s about you.

Megan Boley
7 min readOct 15, 2019
Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

I’m a Christian Impostor.

As I’ve grown into my adult life, I’ve wandered away from the traditional path of organized religion in which I was raised.

In my twenties, I questioned what I was taught. I learned to think for myself — and I discovered that there is more to “God” than what you can read about in an ancient book. I had my own encounters with the Divine. I experienced Spirit and witnessed the Universe at work in my own life in multiple ways.

Outside of the church’s walls is where I found my God.

While certain aspects of organized religion grind my gears sometimes, there is one regular practice that I do still identify with — prayer.

I’m not sure if God or the Goddess — or whoever — is listening to lil’ ole me. I imagine he/she/it has more pressing matters to attend to.

But, prayer, and praying for other people, is important.

Prayer is a strong force of transformation. It’s a powerful thing.

But prayer isn’t about the entity that you’re praying to.

It’s about you.

I’m not religious and I pray every day

