We Need To Stop Telling Our Kids They’re Transgender

Meghan James
4 min readOct 29, 2019
Sharon McCutcheon

When I was a child, I loved to wear boys’ swim shorts and go swimming without a top on. I preferred to wear clothing from the boys’ section and I was considered a “tom-boy”. Now, we have replaced the word tom-boy with transgender.

The vast majority of stories I have heard about young transgender children have a fair amount of influence coming from the parents and adults around them. If their son wears dresses all the time and god forbid says he’s a girl on occasion, or that he doesn’t like his genitals, he’s labeled as transgender immediately or else the parent is deemed a trans-phobe. Some children literally think they’re cats. We cannot allow children to make vital choices over their bodies when they are not fully mature to do so. Yes, most doctors do not start giving hormones until adolescence, but the brain is absolutely not done developing at that point, or even when they reach 18. If they really want the surgery or hormones when they’re mature adults, it’s up to them, but as research shows, many of them will probably be realigned with their natural sex by then.

Toys, clothing, and behaviors are not gendered. Boys can play with dolls and girls can play with trucks. Who cares what gender section your children’s toys are coming from? Let your child choose what they want to play with. So why are we reinforcing gender…



Meghan James

A lesbian twenty-something who loves to challenge mainstream thinking and beliefs. It’s not personal, I promise.