Securing The Future of the IoT

Miguel Jaime Soriano
2 min readDec 20, 2017


The recondition of the internet over the past 5 years has become remarkable, particularly in the territory of the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT refers to the plethora of internet-enabled devices that are allowed to communicate with each other and also create huge volumes of data. Some commonplace examples include wearable devices, smart cars and smart home services.

On the other hand, because of the spectacular volume of data coming from the users, many legacy systems are not allowed to control and use that data for really meaningful use. The instance, of course, is that the volume of data is remarkable, and the need to be able to clean through all of the latent and not so important data and reach the meaningful stuff is still extremely difficult.

As this massive web of technological devices arise ( one estimate predicts 80 bln by 2025 ), the demand for solutions will grow equally on its pace. Blockchain is the answer. One new operation, called Hdac ( Hyundai Digital Assert Company ) is building a Block-chain based technology platform for the compromises that are currently distressing the IoT. The company, helped by the Hyundai Corporation, is retained by the nephew of the popular South Korean car producers.

Hdac is looking to create a distributed ledger to fastly and effectively interact, handle identity, authentication and data storage. This platform is also planned to make the process of transferring of payments more simply through Bitcoin and Etherum by creating ways from one system to both chains. In addition, the Hdac platform has made a double chain — one public block chain and one private block chain — to effectively increase transaction rate and volume.

This means that the platform is fit and applicable for both IoT devices and also industry networks. In the end, because the Hdac provides flexibility, users can select their own transaction fees, and the system is built with the ability for users to create smart contacts, unlike most data systems. Finally, the system provides confidentiality, immutabilty and integrity for processing data on the IoT.

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Miguel Jaime Soriano

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