
Mehak Urooj
2 min readAug 31, 2022

If your head is throbbing, you’re not alone. Up to 75% of adults worldwide have had a headache in the past years.

Headaches are the most common condition that most people will experience many times during their lives. This can be sharp or dull, constant or throbbing. Headaches can be treated with medication or by stress management.

Types Of Headaches

There are 4 types of headaches.

1. Sinus

Symptoms of the sinus; Pain in the face, Congestion, Itching, Runny nose, Sinuses, Eyes, Ears, or Forehead, Swelling in the face.

Duration; Several days to weeks

Primary or secondary; Secondary

2. Tension

Symptoms; Dull pain on either side of the Head, and pressure across the forehead

Duration; 30 minutes to several Hours.

Primary or Secondary; Primary

3. Migraine

Symptoms; Pain in the face or neck, Sensitivity to light or sound, Nausea, Throbbing in one area, Distorted vision.

Duration; It is 4 to72 hours

It’s a Primary type.

4. Cluster

Symptoms; Severe pain on one side of the head usually around the eye

Duration; It lasts for weeks to months

It’s a primary type

Some common Headache Triggers

  1. Emotional Stress
  2. Lack of sleep
  3. Noise
  4. Strong perfume smell
  5. Lightning
  6. Anxiety, Depression
  7. Excessive use of medication

Some Home remedies to cure Headache

  1. Drink water
  2. Exercise
  3. Limit alcohol
  4. Avoid foods high in Histamine
  5. Avoid strong smell
  6. sip some ginger tea
  7. Use essential oils to massage your head and neck
  8. Get adequate sleep
  9. Relax with yoga
  10. Take some magnesium
  11. Resting in the darkroom

Over-the-counter painkillers;





You can choose from many kinds of treatment if your first treatment plan doesn’t work, just don’t give up. Your healthcare provider can recommend other treatments or strategies to find the right fix for you.

Be Happy.

