Arrest of Iran’s terrorist diplomat in Germany and “panic and terror” in the mullahs regime — diplomatic catastrophe

نغمه آزادي
7 min readAug 5, 2018


by Bahar Mehr

On Sunday, July 1, the German police arrested a man in a car park on the A3 highway near Frankfurt on a Ford Road carriage. This person, Iranian diplomat, Asadollah Asadi, was the “third constellation” of the Iranian regime’s embassy in Vienna since

Neutralization of the terrorist plot of the Iranian regime against the gathering of resistance in Paris

The regime’s horror after the arrest of its diplomat in Germany, the one government newspaper, “Vatan Emroze”(Homeland today): this is a “diplomatic catastrophe” during the life of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Vatan Emroze government newspaper, with an attack on Rouhani’s government, added that the silence of the Foreign Ministry on this issue is not only “unjustifiable” but also “wonderful.”

The ruling religious regime in Iran, due to its scandal as “the first supporter of terrorism in the world,” in fear and horror, in official news agency, in response to US Secretary of State remarks: Pompeo claimed on his Twitter page: This month, an Iranian “diplomat” in Vienna was charged with communicating with a bombing plot at a gathering in France.At the same time as this regime tries to persuade Europe to stay in the nuclear deal, it is conspiring by official agents to carry out terrorist attacks in Europe.

Yes, this is a bitter reality of the “appeasement policy”, and of course informative, because at the same time that the regime tries to persuade Europe to stay in the agreement ((nuclear), it conspires by official agents to carry out terrorist attacks in Europe.

The US secretary of state has said in another statement that the Iranian regime has had an impact in Europe, the world and on its people, “the time has come to confront the facts of the Iranian malicious regime.”

The facts on earth indicate a clock ticking to complete one of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century, which continued in the 21st century, which is also the terrorist and mafia regime of the mullahs in Iran

The terrorist plot of the Iranian regime and the arrest of the terrorist diplomat of the regime

IRNA news agency added that a Persian diplomat was arrested in July for a bombing in Vienna. Austria has announced that it will cancel the immunity of the Iranian diplomat who is accused of conspiracy against (Mojahedin).

The Iranian regime’s terrorist plot and the reaction of the “distressed” spokesman of the regime’s foreign ministry

The IRNA news agency then revealed the sadness of the ruling mullahs to arrest their terrorist diplomat in Germany and repeated the idiotic reaction of the regime’s interior ministry spokesman: foreign office spokesman Bahram Ghassemi said that the unsustainable scenario and the basis of the involvement of an Iranian diplomat in one of the European countries was designed and implemented to undermine the relationship between Iran and Europe at this critical juncture It is worth noting that such reactions, which were initiated by the foreign minister of the regime, Javad Zarif or his spokesman for the ministry or by terrorists trapped with bombs and diplomatic passports in various forms, many times, by police and judicial experts in countries that arrested criminals, under the title “yak” and cinematic scenario, it was ridiculed.

According to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution: “Resistance of Iran, the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence in the spotlight”

This report, made public by German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, comes only a few weeks after Berlin arrested a Vienna-based Iranian diplomat, charging him with terrorism and providing orders to an Iranian-Belgian couple to target the Iranian opposition “Free Iran 2018” convention in Paris through a dangerous bomb plot.

Assadollah Assadi, the so-called Iranian regime diplomat, was arrested while in Bavaria, western Germany, under a European arrest warrant. While Belgium seeks his extradition for trial on its territory, Assadi is currently on trial in Germany.

The final destination of the terrorists of the Iranian regime is the large gathering of the Iranian Resistance in Paris

The final destination of the arrested couple was the “Iran-Free” conference of the Iranian Resistance Movement, the PMOI, calling for the overthrow of the Iranian regime. The gathering was attended by prominent guests

Including former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, New Republic Guerrillas rivals, and French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt

The prosecutor started investigating and requested a judge to investigate.

On Sunday, July 1, the German police arrested a man in a car park on the A3 highway near Frankfurt on a Ford Road carriage. This person, Iranian diplomat, Asadollah Asadi, was the “third constellation” of the Iranian regime’s embassy in Vienna since 2014.

The decision to attack the Paris summit was taken by Khamenei, Rouhani and foreign ministers and information.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran quoted its intelligence sources inside the country as saying that Iran ’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and President Hassan Rouhani approved the plan.The Washington Times — Thursday, July 12, 2018

A Belgian police official said: “In Luxembourg, a meeting was under control and (security services of various countries) all worked together to quickly discover the bomb and arrest Asadi. It seems that the Iranian regime hoped that the bombing would be seen as an internal issue of the Mojahedin itself, which was a theory that could be feasible, but when we arrested their people during the act, the situation was different “

At the same time, the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have been co-opted to appeasers and a number of supporters in the United States and Europe to introduce the arbitrary elements of the regime for this terrorist crime. In this regard, Daniel Benjamin, a counterterrorism coordinator at the US Department of State during Obama’s time, who, with all the power and until the last minute, had prevented the execution of the MEK from the terrorist list, and his hysterical hostility toward the PMOI clearly shows,

“It can not deny the hypothesis that this is an arbitrary operation designed by the Iranian security services or extremist elements inside the Iranian security services to condemn the clerical regime and may even consider them responsible for a crisis in Iran.”

But since the regime can not withstand the presence of the Mojahedein at all and considers the existence of the Mojahedin organization as a synonym for its negation and destruction, it continues its plots more and more.

What happens this time?

Now, the question is, will this time take place somewhere of the regime’s high record in closing the untidiness of similar terrorist cases? This is especially important because the regime has already distracted or blocked its numerous terrorist cases beforehand, such as the “Mykonos” case or the case of the explosion of “Khobar” Towers in Saudi Arabia, or the explosion of Buenos Aires, and so on. ..

The answer is no. The regime will not be able to cover up this terrorist scandal.

Because in the first place, the uprising of the past winter and its continuation has created a very different atmosphere both inside and outside the international arena, and the balance of power between the Mojahedin and the Iranian resistance to the mullahs regime is not the previous balance, and especially a pen as long as this issue is publicly It has been declared to be the difference with the past.

If the balance was former (the Obama era and the lobbies of the regime in the White House), this conspiracy would not have been announced by Western institutions or services, at least not so much, as in 1994 in Dortmund, Germany, which dismissed Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s speech from the German government and the cause He did not say that.Later it turned out that the regime there had arranged a terrorist plot against Ms. Rajavi. or, as in the case of the Khobar towers in Saudi Arabia, even when the US Federal Police arrested all the records and many of its executives, because the US government was not willing to ruin its relationship with the mullahs, even FBI was turned off! The case that Judge Louis Féré, FBI Director General, unveiled at several gatherings of the Iranian Resistance, with the details of that case!

This year, if the balance was the same and the policy of appeasement was still in place, it would have ruled out the Iranian gatherings in Paris and did not make their voice heard.

Why blow to the mullahs’ regime, is catastrophic, like knockdown?

Observers and analysts say it was a very heavy blow to the regime. Because in addition to the balance of power and the change in the “political atmosphere” with regard to the regime and resistance of Iran, this time the regime’s diplomat-terrorist has been arrested and, with regard to hundreds of prominent foreigners, now, in addition to law enforcement agencies and The judiciary of several countries, the political apparatus of other countries involved in this case, are both claimants and plaintiffs, the regime can not survive such a “dead end.”

But the big political blow to the regime is that:

By doing so, and at the expense of the burden he had paid for, in spite of all his earlier attempts to deny the existence of an alternative or at least to make it unimportant, he gave the whole world the most expressive address for his “alternative”, and now everyone They have to admit the weight of this alternative and its efficiency.

