punch answer with punch, attack answer with attack, fire answer with fire

Iran: The uprising and protests spread to many cities across the country

نغمه آزادي
4 min readAug 6, 2018

by Bahar Mehr

Iran, Youth say to Mullahs agents : punch answer with punch, attack answer with attack, fire answer with fire

The uprising that started on Wednesday (August 1, 2018) in a number of cities in Iran has now spread to many cities across the country including Tehran, Isfahan, Shirza, Mashhad, Ahvaz, Karaj, Arak, Shahin-Shahr, Najafabad and other cities.

Kazerron southern Iran 5 Aug after midnight

what is story in Iran?

Dozens of store owners in the area have closed their shops and are on strike after the rial’s value dropped by 120 percent in the last six months alone.

Strikes and protests will continue, Isfahan spread into Karaj, Rasht, Mashhad, Arak and Shiraz, the impoverished country — with the participation of shopkeepers, market vendors, farmers and truck drivers taking to the streets in protest about worsening conditions.

In the past few days, wave of protests and strike erupted once again in many cities across Iran where people are protesting the catastrophic situation of the country’s economy, skyrocketing prices, continuous power outages, and Iranian officials widespread corruption and inhuman policies, as well as astronomical plundering that has been institutionalized by Khamenei, Rouhani and the IRGC.

The demonstrators burned rubber tires to counteract the tear gas and prevent the attack of repressive forces. Anti-riot guards and criminal plainclothes mercenaries attacked the protesters; however, the people clashed with and punished them with sticks, rocks and even bare hand. A number of protesters were arrested.

People are chanting slogans such as “death to the dictator” , “Cannons, tanks and machine guns are no longer effective, the mullahs must be killed,” and “Today is the month of blood, Khamenei will be overthrown,” and “Don’t be scared, don’t be scared, we are all together.”

In a night demonstration, a young protester shows a victory sign

this a real message to the world;

protesters will not rest until the Iranian people and nation are free

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi

I bring a quote from Mrs. Rajavi, she said: “By defying the criminal Revolutionary Guards, Bassijis، and plainclothes agents once again today, the arisen women and youth represent a defiant generation which will not rest until the Iranian people and nation are free. They displayed the anger and hatred of the Iranian people toward the religious dictatorship ruling Iran,”( Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)).

People, especially the youth of Karaj, northwest of Tehran went into the streets again on Wednesday, August 1st to demonstrate out of frustration from economic woes, the plunging value of the national currency and the widespread corruption of the ruling regime.
The protesters are chanting ‘death to the dictator’ and ‘Guns Tanks, fireworks, the mullahs must get lost.’
The regime dispatched anti-riot police forces to disperse protesters and regain control of the streets. But the youth protesting in Karaj confronted the police. According to a local report and video obtained from the scene, protesters set fire to a motorcycle belonging to security forces.

Rebellious cities are joining ranks one after the other. The people cry yearning for freedom is growing louder and the uprising is spreading by the minute.

The suppressive forces used teargas, bird-shots, and blank cartridges in an attempt to quell the uprising. Despite the wounding and the arrest of a number of protesters, the rebellious youth showed unity and perseverance in confronting the security forces. No force is stronger than unified and united youth.

On Friday, August 3, a young man from Karaj, Reza Otadi, was shot dead by the Iranian regime’s repressive forces during the demonstrations in the city, and a large number of protesters were also arrested.

The rebellious youth showed unity and perseverance in confronting the security forces. No force is stronger than unified and united youth.

The protesters are chanting ‘death to the dictator’ and ‘Guns Tanks, fireworks, the mullahs must get lost.’

The regime dispatched anti-riot police forces to disperse protesters and regain control of the streets. But the youth protesting in Karaj confronted the police. According to a local report and video obtained from the scene, protesters set fire to a motorcycle belonging to security forces.

