New US Sanctions What happen in Iran? Will clarify Protests?

نغمه آزادي
5 min readAug 7, 2018


by Bahar Mehr

The US president is showing his signature

One report concludes the leading force to recent uprisings began in December. A lot is said by officials on who is organizing the protests. It states the force behind it to be the MEK,
Actually, thousands of protesters have taken to Iran’s streets in recent days in the biggest wave of unrest since January, appealing for financial help and calling for leadership changes, the U.S. to impose new sanctions on the country.
New US sanctions will ignite protests and easing the currency won’t solve a lot. Iran’s been busy replacing sanction’s losses from one end and getting to protests. It’s not the matter of sanctions looming anymore but how Iranians will react.

Protesters in cities and towns across Iran have focused on high prices and a lack of jobs, blaming Iranian leaders to corruption.

The United States from Monday started reimposing economic sanctions against Iran that were lifted under a 2015 nuclear accord, in the first view ratcheting up pressure on Tehran but also worsening relations with European allies, but this view is wrong because is just make a dust in political space about the beginning of this US act.

The sanctions are a consequence of President Trump’s decision in May to withdraw from an international deal that sought to limit Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for easing pressure on the country’s shaky economy.

Indeed the Trump administration is betting that backing out of it will force Iran to shut down its nuclear enrichment efforts, curb its weapons program and end its support of brutal governments or uprisings in the Middle East

International observers have come to the conclusion that Tehran agreed to this agreement because it actually left for it, “Obama and the European group that has said that Iran’s nuclear deal is very important to their national security”; indeed, They saved the Mullah regime of the overthrow and “lied” to the whole world and “tricked”.

With restoring the sanctions, the United States is effectively forcing its allies to go along with the penalties, pressuring major European companies to choose between the tiny Iranian market and the huge American market.

For example : “We have suspended our activities in Iran, which were anyway very limited, until further notice according to applicable sanctions,” Daimler, the German maker of Mercedes-Benz cars and trucks, said in a statement on Monday.

The sanctions ban any transactions with Iran involving United States dollar bank notes, gold, precious metals, aluminum, steel, commercial passenger aircraft and coal, and they end imports into the United States of Iranian carpets and foodstuffs.

Foreign Minister Of Mullahs regime Mohammad Javad Zarif said the sanctions would endanger ordinary Iranians — particularly those who would feel the effects of the penalties on passenger jets. Actually, this lie, because the Mullahs regime never ever not be worried about Iranian people; the only thing they are worried about that, just the survival of their government.

Two weeks after the United States withdrew from the deal, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo outlined a strategy for opening new negotiations with Iran.

He demanded that Iran end all nuclear enrichment and development of nuclear-capable missiles; release all American citizens; end its support for Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Houthi militias; and withdraw its forces from Syria.

He said such changes would be consistent with “global norms,” although the enrichment of nuclear material for civilian purposes and the development of rockets is, in most states, allowed under international law. Additionally, Russia, Turkey, Iraq and the United States also have forces fighting in Syria’s seven-year civil war.

In a conference call with reporters on Monday, senior administration officials said they wanted a change in behavior from Tehran, and were not demanding a change in government. They noted that the threat of sanctions had already had an effect on the Iranian economy — including a plunge in the value of the rial, Iran’s currency; growing unemployment; and increasing protests.

what is real issue in Iran?

What actually exists is the events taking place on the streets of Tehran and other cities of Iran; this is the reality of the day.
Yes, the economic situation arose because of the anti-national and anti-Iranian policies of the Mullahs ruling Iran.
The problem with the Iranian people is not the US sanctions, the problem is the dictatorship of the mullahs in Iran.
The sovereignty that has destroyed all Iranian resources from financial, spiritual, humanitarian, military, economic, environmental, for the survival of the sovereignty of the religious and medieval dictatorship,
A sovereignty that has nothing to do with today’s world
The people of Iran are not going to the streets to re-establish sanctions and this is not the main motive for the people. They go to the streets to use the reinstatement of sanctions to regain their defunct rights.
Because in Iran, everyone knows well that the mullahs spent money on the nuclear deal on terrorism and warfare in the Middle East and the world.

As this regime gives its own alternative address, it’s like the reactions that Nasit has to the main alternative — the National Resistance Council of Iran and the organization of the PMOI.
The only serious opponent in Iran’s political scene is for the mullahs regime, because the mullahs are more than anyone else afraid of this council and this group and even a terrorist couple received explosives from an Iranian diplomat in Austria. They were to operate the terror plan in Paris last June.

On 5 August, the Fars News Agency — belonging to Iran’s hardliners made this comment. They target the biggest or the only true Iranian opposition movement. The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) used to be in Iraq. It was recognized as a government in exile there. Its members had created a city known as Ashraf in Diyala.

Fars writes on Sunday:“ Maryam Rajavi came to support certain soundless hypocrites inside the country. They form cores of multiple people inside Iran. These are active insurgents [pro-MEK supporters] who stir trouble.

The hypocrites first gave instruction to these people to become insurgent units. A unit is understandable in maths and goes to tens and thousands. Their connection is set up on the internet. They’ve been able to click the start button on recent turmoil…”

On the other hand, the US government has shown that it is fundamentally contradictory to the nature of this regime and does not endorse the regime, and it stands for the first time on the side of the Iranian people and supports them, Mike Pompeo says in his tweet.

Or Mike Penn, vice president of the United States in the confirmation of Twitter, Mike Pompeo wrote:

The Iranian regime is drowning in the midst of unresolved crises, and nobody can reverse this trend.

