نغمه آزادي
7 min readAug 11, 2018
Protesters chant slogans in June at the main gate of the old grand bazaar in Tehran, Iran, in anger over the nation’s troubled economy. (AP)

by Bahar Mehr

This is a revolution!? Absolutely, Thousands of protesters take to the streets of Iran, talk of revolution, regime change, people scream: OR DEATH OR FREEDOM

Women in Shiraz are “flagship” or must better call them “carrier flag of the battle for freedom” protesters in the rally. men and women in the street, side by side, scream their anger over the dictator; who are them? who guide this movement? who are the “rebellious units”?

The brave people of Iran continue to defy the regime, in spite of efforts to intimidate and discourage them from raising their voices to demand freedom and democracy.

Protests continue across Iran, and protesters are reportedly calling for the death of their rulers. The protests started last week over economic and political unrest. (Image source: YouTube screenshot)

For days, As tensions continue to escalate. Protests have erupted across Iran over an array of economic and political woes., demonstrators are calling for the death rulers of Mullahs.

Last Friday, a young man was shot dead by regime forces in Karaj outside of capital Tehran while a large number of protesters were arrested, according to resistance units.

Several videos have circulated online, said to be showing Iran’s unrest. One purportedly claims to show 100,000 protesters in the city of Shiraz, Fox News reported, yelling “death to the dictator! Death to Khamenei! Death to Rouhani!,” and “Islamic regime must get lost!”

For weeks, the country’s currency has been in a free fall, plummeting to historic lows against the dollar. This has put tremendous pressure on average citizens who are struggling to make ends meet.

Hard-liners have consistently played down the protests. In a foolish commentary on the disastrous state of the mullahs regime, and because of the fear of an outbreak of public anger “Around a hundred people take to the streets in cities populated by five million people,” said Hamidreza Taraghi, a political analyst. He accused Iran’s enemies, most notably the United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel, of helping foreign based opposition groups. “Foreign powers are seeking to seize upon our economical problems and create unrest.”

On last Monday, the United States reimposed sanctions against Iran, turning its back on the 2015 nuclear deal. for see the Donald Trump’s tweet click on here

“These are the most biting sanctions ever imposed,” Trump said in a tweet, adding, “anyone doing business with Iran will NOT be doing business with the United States.”

Experts say Trump’s strategy is already having an effect.

US President Donald Trump

What is actually?

“The currency, since the president announced our withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal, the Iranian currency has decreased by nearly half,” John Bolton, the White House national security adviser, told Fox News. “We’ve seen millions and millions of dollars in currency leaving Iran as the elites move their assets out of the country and we’ve seen a continuation of demonstrations and even riots in towns and cities across Iran as the economy has gone into a tailspin.”

Iran’s economy has been crippled amid US economic sanctions

US President Donald Trump imposed economic sanctions on Iran which had been lifted by the nuclear deal signed by Barack Obama.

Shahin Gobadi, a spokesman of National Council of Resistance for Iran

Shahin Gobadi, a spokesman of National Council of Resistance for Iran, said disgruntled Iranians see revolution as the “only solution”.(Speaking with The Sun Online in 8th August 2018).

He said: “The continuation and the frequency of the protests throughout 2018, despite the imposition of pervasive suppression and daily arrests and executions designed to intimidate the public, vividly reflects one reality.

“The growing sentiment among the Iranians that the only solution is a regime change by the people.

“The Iranian people and resistance units are more determined than ever to bring down the regime.

“The clerical regime is fast moving towards the precipice and the mullahs’ overthrow has never been so tangible and within reach.for see this tweet click on here:

“We had protests in 2009 but these are different because people are calling for the death of the President and the Supreme Leader. They have broken a lot of taboos,” Hanif Jazayeri, of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, told the Daily Mail.

Hanif Jazayeri

“The demonstrations are not just over economic issues but very quickly turned political due to the regime’s repression of the Iranian people with regard to women’s rights, freedom of speech and other basic freedoms.”

“The chants are directed at the entirety of the regime and protesters are demanding regime change,” Jazayeri added.

Angry protests have spread across Iran with people chanting ‘Death to the Dictator’ against the suppressive regime led by Hassan Rouhani

Angry protests have spread across Iran with people

The human rights organization Amnesty International made a public plea Wednesday, asking Iranian authorities to release peaceful demonstrators following reports of mass arrests.

In its statement, the group said, “According to reports from journalists and human rights activists inside Iran, as well as independent news groups outside the country, security forces have detained scores of people in jails and secret detention facilities notorious for torture and other ill-treatment over the past week, denying many of them access to their families and lawyers.”

people scream: ‘Death to the Dictator’ against the suppressive regime led by Hassan Rouhani

Who is the guider this revolution?

Iranian people are assisted in their efforts by the teams and groups of supporters and members of the Iranian Resistance known as “rebellious units”, who are active in cities across the country, organizing demonstrations and protests, and directing them towards of Regime Change this is a goal .

People burn tiyres on the roads as the protests sweep across Iran

Also in this tweet you can read

who are those rebellious units?

Rebellious Units Persist with Demands for #IranRegimeChange The brave people of Iran continue to defy the regime, in spite of efforts to intimidate and discourage them from raising their voices to demand freedom and democracy…

A member of a rebellious unit in Qazvin, named after “MEK martyr Zohreh Ghaemi”, holds a poster displaying the message of resistance leader, and reiterates their resolution to keep alive the fire of the uprising that started in December. look to the video:

Hundreds father in Mashhad, Iran to protest against the regime

In Saqqez, Kurdistan, members of a rebellious unit have released a video of themselves writing “Death to Khamenei” slogans on a wall.

In a video of members of a rebellious unit in Tehran, one holds up a sign that reads, “The key to prosperity is death to the rule of the clergy and long live the National Liberation Army.” Another member of the unit says, “The Iranian regime said hundreds of times that the Mojahedin have been destroyed, but today we are proud that when we said ‘death to fundamentalism’ we stood by our words. We will stay true until the last breath and the last drop of our blood, and as we said, we will overthrow this regime. Long live Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. Long live the Mojahedin.”

Or in another report from inside of Iran; rebellious unit #825 in Rasht city northern Tehran, produced a video of its activities, such as writing slogans on walls. Their slogans include “Death to Khamenei, long live Rajavi.” In another video, a member of this unit says the people of Iran are eager to see the PMOI/MEK return to their homeland. look at video:

Some of the most violent protests took place in Karaj, last week. A rebellious unit there filmed the nightly writing of slogans on walls. “Death to Khamenei,” one of the members of the unit says.

Rebellious units have filmed themselves writing slogans on the walls of the city, in Masjed Soleyman, Khuzestan.

The Rebellious units represent the Iranian Resistance, The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), who believe that the ruling theocracy of Iran will never step down unless the Iranian people fight to bring them down.

Masjed Soleyman, Khuzestan, rebellious units activities in writing slogans on the walls
Karaj, rebellious unit at the nightly writing of slogans on walls

At the end:
It must be concluded that Iran is moving towards a major change in quality and in terms of new governance and revolutionary change, evidence of all of which is evolving, and we must take into consideration the alternative, the only force that is serious and reliable, and in The scene, which over the years passed its test, is the coalition of the National Council of Resistance and the Iranian People’s Mojahedin Organization. Must pay attention to this group