Standard Model of the Universe

5 min readJan 17, 2023

Physicists proved that the universe, which they believed to exist with their sense organs, and the objects all around us, are composed of small particles. Experiments first showed that the atom was the smallest piece that could no longer be divided, but then the atom was also split apart and it turned out to be even smaller particles. And so a sub-branch of physics, which we call particle physics, emerged. Currently, we have a model that fits best with the experiments, observations and calculations, and we call it the Standard model. The theory we call the standard model is the theory that describes all known particles in the universe and three of the four fundamental forces in the universe. Theory defines electromagnetic, strong and weak forces. The force theorey does not define is the gravitational force. The Standard Model is a paradigm born of Quantum Field Theory and can be used to explain a wide variety of physical phenomena, including spontaneous symmetry breaking, physical anomalies, and non-perturbative behavior.

If we look a little at the history of the standard model, after the 1950s, with the work of many scientists around the world, this theory was developed in stages, and the current formulation was put forward in the mid-1970s, upon experimental confirmation of the existence of quarks. Since then, the experimental proof of the theoy predicted the top quark in 1995, the tau…




I am a curious physicist who was born in a family of scientisit. Not only curious but also physicist with univeristy degree. I also love history and technology.