What is ISTQB — CTFL? Why do you need it?

Mehmet Baran Nakipoğlu
4 min readJul 27, 2023


If Mcdonald's were managed like a software company, 1 out of every 100 Big Macs would give you food poisoning, and the response would be, ‘We’re sorry, here’s a coupon for two more.’
— Mark Minasi

One of the most well-known and recognized certifications in the world of software testing is the ISTQB since they provide a wide range of qualifications to learn the objectives of testing and the business outcomes. ISTQB stands for International Software Testing Qualifications Board and it’s valid among professionals from both academia and industry.

For those who want to follow the path of a Software Tester, Quality Assurance Engineer/Specialist, Quality Control Specialist, Test Leader etc. (there are more titles than I can list here), ISTQB — CTFL (Certified Tester Foundation Level) can be the first milestone to achieve and land one of those jobs! Please, bear in mind that CTFL is the first certification you should get if you want to go further. Here is the quick certification ladder:

Portfolio of Certifications Provided by ISTQB

When it comes to why you should sit on an exam and get the first certificate (in this case, CTFL) there are a couple of reasons.

  • Understand the essentials of testing
  • Analyze the real-world scenarios and find the appropriate solutions and techniques accordingly
  • Learn the terminology and concepts in the testing domain
  • Find out different software delivery approaches
  • Get recognition from a formal, well-known and respective organization
  • Demonstrate the skills of a tester, QA and more and work in a cross-functional team
  • Write an effective report on the test progress and results
  • Improve the quality of the organization you work in

The list goes on and on but the most important thing is to first remember the topic and understand, then apply what you’ve learnt.

This is the introduction for the ISTQB — CTFL series which will cover the key features of the official document (for those who do not have that much time to read through each page of the Syllabus, 93 in total). The syllabus, the document to study for the exam, is comprised of 6 chapters (and the minimum suggested time of study is 16.75 hours) and the syllabus:

  1. Fundamentals of Testing
    1.1 ISTQB — CTFL - Chapter I: Fundamentals of Testing I
    1.2 ISTQB — CTFL - Chapter I: Fundamentals of Testing II
  2. Testing Throughout the SDLC
    2.1 ISTQB — CTFL — Chapter II: Testing Throughout the SDLC I
    2.2 ISTQB — CTFL — Chapter II: Testing Throughout the SDLC II
  3. Static Testing
    3.1 Static Testing — Chapter III of ISTQB — CTFL
  4. Test Techniques
    4.1 Test Techniques — Chapter IV of ISTQB-CTFL
  5. Test Management
    5.1 Test Management — Chapter V of ISTQB — CTFL
  6. Tool Support for Testing
    6.1 Test Tools — Chapter VI of ISTQB — CTFL

Just an important note that the ISTQB — CTFL Syllabus will be updated to v4.0 from v3.1.1 as of 9th May 2024 for English and 9th November 2024 for non-English) Don’t worry, usual small additions and improvements are added to the new version, so, what you know from 3.1.1 will be applicable and valuable to the v4.0.

However, do not let those hours scare you and change your mind about taking the exam. The hours just fly by when you try to understand what each section is trying to teach you. Also, the topics are quite fun! 😅

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

That’s why I’m starting this series to give you an outline of what to know, expect, and prepare for. In 11 Medium writings/posts, you’ll be one step closer to becoming a software test / QA engineer, mastering your skills at your current job or polishing what you already know!

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Exam Structure
Number of Questions: 40
Passing Score: 26
Total Points: 40
Exam Length (mins): 60 (+25% Non-Native Language)
int examScore = 36;
if (examScore >= 26 && examScore <= 40) {
System.out.println("You have successfully passed the exam. Now, you are a Certified Foundation Level Tester by ISTQB!");
} else if (examScore > 40 || examScore < 0) {
System.out.println("You are out of this world dude!");
} else {
System.out.println("Please take the exam again dear!");
// Have fun on the journey!



Mehmet Baran Nakipoğlu

Computer Engineer gradute, Full-time QA & Test Engineer, Part-time developer