Standalone Setup

Apache Flink Series 9 — How Flink & Standalone Cluster Setup Work?

2 min readMay 14, 2020


In this post, I am going to explain, how Flink starts itself, and what happens when you submit your job to the Standalone Cluster setup.

You can find more posts about Apache Flink in my personal blog

Standalone Cluster

  • Consists of at least one master process and at least one TaskManager process that run on one or more machines.
  • All processes run as regular Java JVM process.
  • The master process runs a Dispatcher and a ResourceManager in separate threads.
  • Once they start running, the TaskManagers register themselves at the ResourceManager

What happens when you submit your job?

  • A client submits a job to the Dispatcher, which internally starts a JobManager thread and provides the JobGraph for execution.
  • The JobManager requests the necessary processing slots from the ResourceManager.
  • ResourceManager requests slot(s) from TaskManagers
  • TaskManager offers their free slots to the JobManager
  • JobManager executes the tasks.
  • In a standalone deployment, the master and workers are not automatically restarted in the case of failure.
  • A job can recover from a worker failure if a sufficient #processing slots is available. This can be ensured by running one or more standby workers
Submitting Flink Job

Last but not least wait for the next post…




Computer Engineer, graduated from IZTECH, working at as Jr. Content Security Engineer. See my posts at