29 Ways The Educational System Is Failing Students

Sam Holstein
Published in
22 min readApr 4, 2018


Everyone knows the American school system is broken. Or at least, everyone has a sense that it is. Americans complain about how schools don’t teach critical thinking skills and schools don’t prepare students for the real world. These complaints are often accompanied by a suggestion to add a class which covers the missing skills.

But this is not enough. It is not that American schools need their classwork updated for the twenty-first century. American schools do not achieve even their most basic goals. American schools:

  • Do not teach students what they need to know
  • Do not prepare students for the workforce
  • Do not make students healthy or happy
  • Do not prepare students to be adults

American Education is broken beyond repair. We need to scrap the entire thing and start over.

Here are 29 pieces of evidence to convince you.

Part 1: Schools Prevent Students from Learning

  1. Schools are physically damaging environments for children. Young minds need stimulation to grow their neural networks. But the school environment is not stimulating at all. Classrooms are often tan, gray and windowless, with hard-backed chairs that students must sit…



Sam Holstein

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