Beyond Consumption: How The Simple Habit of Capturing Notes Changed My Life, and Can Change Yours Too

Mehraj U Din
2 min readFeb 20, 2024


Hey there, it’s Mehraj. Just a regular guy who, like many of you, who spent hours scrolling through digital platforms, consuming tons of information without much to show for it. Sound familiar?

I bet you’ve been there too, soaking in all those videos, articles, and books, only to forget most of it by the next day. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? But here’s the thing I discovered: it doesn’t have to be that way.

See, a while back, I stumbled upon a simple yet powerful habit that turned everything around for me. It’s something so basic yet often overlooked:


Think about it. How often do you come across a piece of advice or insight that really resonates with you, only to let it slip away into the abyss of forgetfulness? Yeah, been there, done that. But not anymore.

I made a conscious effort to jot down everything that struck a chord with me, everything I felt my present and future self needed to remember. And let me tell you, it’s been a game-changer.

Now, instead of feeling overwhelmed by the endless stream of information, I’ve created my own personal treasure trove of insights which has been guiding me towards continuous growth and success.

So here’s my advice to you: start capturing notes. Whether it’s a profound quote, a brilliant idea, or a simple reminder, write it down.

Trust me, your future self will thank you.

And here’s a pro-tip: keep it simple. Focus only on the crux of things, the stuff you can immediately put into action.

Take a moment to reflect on this journey I’m sharing. Imagine the possibilities if you start adopting this habit in your own life. It’s a game-changer, my friend.

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Mehraj U Din

Writer, Thinker, Dreamer—committed to sharing insights that provoke people to take action and change their lives