How I reduced my digital activities in 14 days?

Mehrdad Atariani
5 min readOct 12, 2019


Hey. My name is Mehrdad and this is my challenge: Reducing digital activity. Is there any trick to spend less time with digital devices? I told you some of them which are my own experiences.

At this moment I and You are using a Digital device to read this diary; I decided to write my diaries into two separated stories so my digital activity decreases as much as possible.

Day one

Today I forgot about the exercise until midday after doing part of my class works. so as always I have my phone in my hand, I took a picture of the room and left it on my desk. So let’s reduce my digital activity! Heh. The first trick that came to my mind was “ Stay away (sit or sleep) from my mobile phone”.

removing the Spotify was the first move. In addition to this, I am not able to listen to any kind of voice or tracks. Ok! The next step was Increasing my reading time as another part of my plan. But all of my books are Pdf! I really felt disappointed to chose this topic to do. I just went out to spend my time and tonight, I just turned my phone off after checking the notification before going to bed.

Average Mobile usage: 150 minutes. Average Laptop usage: 300 minutes.

Day two

After the first and not very successful day of my challenge, I started my Sunday with technology! My phone woke me up! yes, and I had lots of things to do in a digital way. I had to review my class lecture, calling my mom in Iran and talking to her for hours, as usual, making an ‘SOP’ for a project and some other tasks. but I was loyal to my bloody challenge. I just checked my messages and text my mom ‘I will talk to you next week because this week I am in the challenge’ and she didn't understand what the hell I am talking about. So I spent 45 minutes of my time in order to explain my challenge. Second trick: tell a lie if it is necessary in some cases. it is better than losing a great deal of time’

Nevermind, after talking to mommy I went to read a book. I read the half of 608 pages tonight! because it was the only thing in my mood. I have already lots of tasks to do but they need a laptop and if I use it, It takes some hours. However, this challenge will be an undesirable experience until next week but I can talk to my roommate more than ever as a hobby. Umm… no this is also another dark side of the non-digital life.

Average Mobile usage: 150 minutes. Average Laptop usage: 180 minutes.

Day three

Today I have decided to improve my challenge with reading the books mentioned in Design methods and innovation studio classes. so after the class history of design, I went to polimi library in order to find those books. after entering I consider that I should use the searching boxes on the first floor to find the books. But it seemed that it takes some hours, so I shifted to using computers. The result of searching was Nothing! I couldn't find any of them. I went to the shelves and took a look at books and found a great book to read. it was ‘Managing as Designing’. it is true that I could not review my classes lectures, checking the Milan events and doing my online tasks nevertheless, I can spend enough time on this yummy book! I hope I can. The third trick: “ If you want to leave a behaviour, find another enjoyable addictive thing.”

Average Mobile usage: 45 minutes. Average Laptop usage: 90 minutes.

Day four

Today I could read some pages of that sweety book. afternoon, I had a UX class. despite what I guessed about this class, thankfully it was not a digital class. all the things that we used were two pieces of paper and pen. so that was good for me. After class, I came back home and start cooking for the hungry men because it was my turn. I was exhausted to continue. so I just slept till the next day. the fourth trick: “ make a plan for every day and put non-digital tasks like cooking in it especially in your free time”

Average Mobile usage: 45 minutes. Average Laptop usage: 60 minutes.

Day five

Today morning, I had again a non- digital UX design class. that was a really good class. after that, I had a review discussion with my teammates about innovation studio tasks. Although, today I needed to be an innocent person, but I really feel like a guardian angel! thanks to Isadora and Claudia I did not use my laptop and they help me in this way. I found the fifth trick today to decrease your digital activities: “Use your friends' digital devices” this is not a joke! when you are using other’s laptop or mobile phone, you need to be faster to finish it. at least it would be faster than when you are working with your own devices while listening to a piece of music.

Average Mobile usage: 40 minutes. Average Laptop usage: 60 minutes.

day six

today, I had to go to the career service for fob fair meeting. so my activities reduced by half. after that from 2 pm to 4 pm, I was at the Innovation studio class and i just needed my laptop in the last hours of the class. Yes, I just spent one hour on my laptop in the class. after the class i decided to go out with my friends to observe the trick number one. Sixth trick: “ keep the first trick in your mind, that is really effective”.

Average Mobile usage: 30 minutes. Average Laptop usage: <60 minutes.

day seven

from the beginning of the day to afternoon late, I was at the innovation studio class. from 3 pm I started using my laptop to continuing our team works. it is really sad when we understand how much we are dependent on digital devices. But always there may be a solution in order to soften our problems. I found other trick today which is seventh trick“ when you are working with PC, keep a piece of paper close yourself and write everything before searching on the internet”. this trick helps you to not surfing in vain on the internet. select precisely what you are looking for.

Average Mobile usage: 45 minutes. Average Laptop usage: 180 minutes.

Wait for the next week 7 tricks…

