Awaken Your Potential: My Journey to Early Mornings and Yoga Transformation

From Years of Struggle to Triumph, with Social Media as My Ally

Kritika Mehta
12 min readJun 24, 2024

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” — Robert Collier

Waking up early has always been my toughest challenge. I’ve tried and failed countless times, but this time feels different. Yoga has been a constant in my life, though with long breaks — sometimes days, weeks, or even months. These interruptions have kept me from advancing. Knowing the basics is one thing; consistent practice is another. So, let’s take it to the next level together.

I’m committing to Yoga With Adriene’s 30-day series from 2023. Why 2023? I started it once before and found it really good but didn’t complete the 30 days, managing only 13–14. This time will be different.

Day 1:

I woke up at 6:30 and felt proud. I laid out my mat, determined to make it happen — daily early mornings and yoga.

Within 11 minutes, my hands were trembling, and by 21 minutes, my legs followed suit.

Ending in Shavasana, I felt an overwhelming desire to sleep, but I didn’t. As I folded the mat, a wave of determination washed over me. Not this time. I won’t give up.

Affirmations, though simple, really work. Thanks to Adriene:

  • I am strong: Best said while in a plank position.
  • I can do it: Use anytime it feels tough.

It felt good.

I hope you feel motivated to take up a challenge like this. If you start with yoga, my tip is to get on the mat every day — that makes the most difference. Take it easy. Do what feels like an easy flow. Pushing your body to tough poses can cause muscle pain and result in backing out. And we don’t want that, right?

Stay tuned for the next day’s update below. Let’s continue this journey together, one day at a time. Every small effort counts.

Day 2:

Today was tough. I woke up feeling sad and angry, lingering in bed for an extra 15 minutes. Eventually, I forced myself onto the mat; mental persuasion alone wasn’t enough. The first few minutes were a struggle, my thoughts racing.

Six minutes in, tears welled up. I craved a quick, easy practice, but it ended up lasting over 25 minutes.

By the end, I felt better. I did it. Despite my thoughts and feelings, I accomplished the two planned tasks. I’ll take that as a win.

Let’s continue this journey together, one day at a time. Remember, every small effort counts.

Day 3:

Today was a mix of emotions. I woke up with that familiar “just five more minutes” feeling, but I resisted. Instead, I got up with a determination to conquer the world.

On the mat, I learned what it truly means to feel my whole body shake.

Despite the challenge, I love the warrior poses. One significant realization I had was the importance of being gentle with my knees. Never lock them; always keep a slight bend whenever a pose feels overwhelming. It’s better to protect them than to risk injury. Adriene often advises against locking the knees in her videos, and although I’m no expert, I believe this advice applies to the elbows too. Avoid putting excessive stress on any joints during poses.

The Pyramid pose, along with its variations, which I could manage two years ago, now eludes me. But I have faith that in a few days, I’ll be able to do it again. I know this because I am committed to working on it.

Do you feel the same commitment to a change you’re trying? Let me know in the comments.

Day 4:

“Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway.”

Today marks the fourth day of my journey, and I can already feel the positive shifts taking root. Waking up on time and going for a quick walk set a delightful tone for the day, invigorating me with the cool morning air and the rhythm of my steps. It’s an amazing start, though I’m careful not to push too hard — I want to maintain this momentum without burning out.

My yoga practice lasted 29 minutes. The gentle rocking on the spine brought out a childlike joy, making me feel light and playful. It was a stark contrast to the halfway push-ups on my knees, which I struggled with. This challenge serves as a reminder of the journey I’m on and the progress yet to be made.

The mountain pose, surprisingly, has become a cherished part of my practice. There’s something profoundly calming about it, and today I felt a deeper sense of balance and stability. It’s funny how the simplest poses can bring the greatest sense of relief.

The chin-to-chest rolling, a constant since day one, continues to be a highlight. It’s become a comforting ritual, easing tension and grounding me in the present moment.

Of course, with every favorite pose, there comes a challenge. The yogi squat, for instance, had me laughing as I attempted to squat and ended up toppling backward. It’s these moments of lightheartedness that make the practice so enriching.

Overall, today’s session was a blend of joy, challenge, and growth. I’m feeling all the positivity flowing through me and I’m sending that energy your way. Let’s continue to embrace this journey and rock the world together.

Day 5:

Sometimes, we overdo things despite our best intentions. Today, I indulged in 20–25 minutes of lazy time in bed. It felt great, but guilt eventually nudged me to get up. Determined not to let it ruin my day, I went for a walk. So, I cut myself some slack for not waking up on time.

And then, the practice. Oh, the practice! It was delightful.

I hugged myself. Yes, you read that right. I wrapped my arms around myself and gave a big, warm hug. It was incredible. We should all do it more often. Try it now. Wrap your arms around yourself, give a good squeeze, and smile. Tell yourself, “I so love me.”

I’ve noticed some exciting progress. When downward-facing dog starts feeling like a relief pose, you know you’re getting somewhere. In the midst of other challenging poses, downward-facing dog brings a surprising sense of relief. And guess what? I’ve started to enjoy the chair pose too. It feels empowering, like I’m harnessing my inner strength.

Power to you as well.

Adriene mentioned in today’s video that tomorrow’s practice will be fiery. I’m gearing up for it. Let’s meet here again tomorrow and see how it goes.

Until then, embrace the journey and the small victories. Keep hugging yourself.

Day 6:

“Slow and steady wins the race today,” she says. Girl, it’s burning! How can such slow movements cause such intense burn?

At one point, it felt like my legs had a mind of their own, wanting to go in every direction and collapse with a thud. It’s incredible how, in the midst of holding poses and feeling the burn, she calmly says, “Now let it go.” I’ve never felt such relief. I finally understand the real meaning behind that phrase.

One important note: For those of you with tight hamstrings like me, it’s important to remember not to push too hard or you’ll risk pulling a muscle. With consistent practice, your flexibility will improve naturally.

One of my favorite moves from today’s practice? Windshield wipers. They feel absolutely amazing. But as the saying goes, “No pain, no gain.”

So embrace the discomfort and keep pushing forward. You’ve got this!

Day 7:

“Missing a day isn’t the end of the world; it’s a chance to begin again.”

This quote resonates deeply with me, especially after yesterday. Instead of my usual yoga routine, we immersed ourselves in the vibrant energy of the Pride Parade. The day was filled with joy, love, and awe-inspiring moments, and marveling at the world’s largest rainbow flag of laser beams from Twin Peaks floating in Karl the fog at night.

This morning, I woke up with excitement, ready to tackle my flow practice. However, it felt more like a surprise test than a seamless session.

The practice featured a challenging mix of warrior poses, and I found myself growing tired and needing to pause frequently. I managed to last 18 minutes, falling just short of the 22-minute mark. It was a struggle, and I couldn’t push through to the very end. But that’s okay, right?

Despite the difficulty, it was a rewarding session, and I am determined to revisit it after 30 days. I aim to complete it in one smooth, uninterrupted flow, following it through to the very end.

One highlight was the thread the needle pose (Urdhva Mukha Pasasana), which I particularly enjoyed.

“Tomorrow is a chill practice,” she says. I’ll be bringing my blanket and pillow along with me. 😊

Day 8:

I so needed this today. After the eventful weekend and sorting through the mess at home yesterday, I was feeling utterly exhausted. This practice came at the perfect time, providing a much-needed respite. My body melted into it, embracing the gentle, caring movements.

It was light and soothing, offering the perfect relief for the day. The peace I found in this practice was like a balm for my weary soul, rejuvenating me from within.

“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” — Deepak Chopra

Day 9:

“Corazón: where courage and compassion dance in harmony.”

Today’s practice is called Corazón. It means: the heart, courage, spirit, love, affection, compassion, or sympathy. I googled it. Such a great word. Isn’t it?

Be a Puppy. Yep, that’s what we did today — the puppy pose. Now I understand why puppies do it all the time; it feels great! Today’s practice lit up my body. I felt stretches and movements in parts of my body that had felt dormant.

However, if you try the humble warrior pose (Baddha Virabhadrasana), be mindful. It provides a deep stretch and could cause injury if not done properly. There are many variations to try for beginners, but once you get the hang of it, the stretch is so rewarding.

Overall, it was a lovely practice today.

Day 10:
How 18 Minutes Can Transform Your Day and Mood

I woke up with a headache today — the familiar pinching ache above my left eye, stretching towards the back. But after just 18 minutes of yoga, it’s almost gone. I never realized yoga could work such wonders.

Today’s practice was invigorating. My arms ached, yet they felt stronger. I didn’t need to pause — that’s real progress! I’m getting stronger.

One highlight was the chair pose. Inhaling as I raised my arms, exhaling into the chair pose, then throwing my arms back with a whoosh — it felt like I was expelling all my negative energy.

The move, aptly named “Knocking on Heaven’s Door,” was pure bliss. Immersing myself in the flow with eyes closed, I could almost feel the energy laughing around me. Every move felt joyful and liberating.

Here are four realizations I had today:

  1. Yoga and deep breathing can alleviate certain headaches.
  2. A little pain, directed wisely, can make you stronger.
  3. Negative thoughts can be exhaled away. Don’t let them linger — whoosh them out!
  4. Embrace childlike movements. They’re essential for finding inner joy.

And remember, moving like no one’s watching, being comfortable in your own body, and letting your movements flow freely is a perfect way to invite positivity into your life.

Give it a try. You might be surprised at how transformative just 18 minutes can be.

Day 11:

Today started perfectly: I wanted to sleep a bit longer, and our yoga session began with lying on our backs and playing with happy baby poses. It felt like gently knocking on my body’s door, politely asking it to wake up.

One thing I’ve recently discovered the magic of is yoga blocks. After so many years without them, I’ve found they provide the perfect support when a pose feels challenging or when I don’t want to stretch too intensely.

I also tried a new pose today that I’ve never done before: the One-Legged Standing Garland Pose (Eka Pada Parivrtta Tadasana). At least, I think that’s what it’s called — I had to Google it, and there are many variations of the standing knee-to-chest pose. It requires a bit of a balancing act. I managed to do it with about 80% accuracy, though it did get a bit shaky.

This experience made me realize how much there is still to learn. The journey ahead is long, but I’m excited and curious to explore more. Stay curious with me!

Day 12: ‘Restart’

Today’s practice turned out just perfect for what I needed. Being mindful of my shoulder pain, I sought a gentle practice that wouldn’t strain it, and it turned out just fine.

Beginning with slight neck movements felt incredibly relieving. Though the tabletop poses were tiring, I took a few pauses. Keeping it light today was crucial to avoid further injury.

Missing the last two days of practice made me feel a bit disappointed. I had been consistent, and breaking the streak felt like a setback. However, it’s important to remember that this journey is about more than just consistency; it’s about building a resilient mindset, staying positive, and growing stronger. There will be obstacles along the way, but each one is a step forward, not a reason to stop.

As the renowned writer Anne Lamott once said, “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” This is a journey, not a race, and it’s okay to pause and recharge. So, starting again today from Day 12.

Day 13:

Trust: When embarking on something new in life, it’s natural to doubt yourself and question if you’re on the right path. Today’s practice resonated perfectly with my wavering thoughts.

Despite an uncertain mind and lingering shoulder pain, I began with gentle movements: child’s pose, cat-cow stretches, and deep breathing. As I moved into a high lunge, stepping back and forth, I found a sense of consistency in life. These small movements, seemingly insignificant, help build a strong foundation.

Standing pigeon pose (Tada Kapotasana) provided the balance I needed to steady my mind. The entire practice focused mainly on my legs, avoiding any strain on my shoulders, which was a relief.

I realized how a simple practice can facilitate self-reflection and clear a cluttered mind. It was a gentle reminder that even small steps can lead to significant progress.

I’m sharing this with you because I believe we all need these moments of clarity and balance. Take a moment to breathe, move, and trust in your journey. Sending these vibes and positivity your way.

Day 14:

I love stretching. It’s like my muscles are always yearning for some kind of relief. The “Thread the Needle” pose (Urdhva Mukha Pasasana Flow) is my favorite. I relish how it feels on my shoulders and the gentle pressure on my head.

However, the Sphinx Pose Variation Leg Movement (Salamba Bhujangasana Pada Movement) remains a challenge. Trying to pull my leg while lying on my stomach, my thigh would lift, my legs would fold, and I found myself toppling in every direction. It’s a humbling reminder that regular practice is about discovering both our current capabilities and limitations.

Despite not performing it perfectly, the most relief comes from the Pigeon Pose. The release it brings is truly amazing.

As I continue this journey, I am reminded of a quote: “Flexibility is the key to stability.” Stretching, like life, is about finding balance and embracing the journey.

Day 15: Reaching the Halfway Mark

Reaching the halfway point today is indeed a significant milestone. The journey thus far has been challenging, and the daily practice, though rewarding, has not yet ingrained itself as a habitual rhythm. The flow of an everyday routine still eludes me, and this elusive consistency may be attributed to a lack of regularity in my practice schedule. Adhering to a fixed time each day could potentially aid in fostering this habit, yet I find it difficult to maintain such a regimen.

The struggle to find the willpower to step onto the mat each day is real, compounded by the internal dialogue that persuades me to begin. Despite these challenges, each practice session leaves me feeling victorious, improved, stronger, and more centered.

Today’s practice, aptly named “RESET,” provided a profound opportunity for introspection. It underscored the importance of revisiting and rethinking aspects of my practice and life. The session demonstrated how a simple yoga flow coupled with deep, intentional breathing can center the mind and rejuvenate the spirit.

I also revisited the tree pose today and was delighted to find noticeable improvement compared to my previous attempts. This progress, though incremental, is a testament to my growing strength and balance.

As the great Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The great majority of men are bundles of beginnings.” This journey is a reminder that while the path may be arduous, steadfast focus and perseverance are the keys to transformation.

Day 16–30:

In the past 15 days, I’ve uncovered some profound insights on my journey, leading me to redefine my focus for the coming weeks. I’ve documented this refined vision in a new blog post. Check it out here: Embracing Evolution: Redefining My Path in Yoga



Kritika Mehta

Life's curveballs only strengthened my spirit. Today, I flourish as an author, artist, and connoisseur of life, imparting wisdom on the art of balance.