Reviving Fayol’s Forgotten Principles: Unity of Command and Direction in Modern Management”

mehul mehta
3 min readOct 25, 2023


In the bustling world of modern management, professionals often find themselves navigating the complex maze of stakeholder alignment, team dynamics, and cross-functional collaboration. With the ever-increasing emphasis on collaboration and diverse, cross-functional teams, we encounter a series of perplexing questions.

How much time is spent under the pretext of ‘stakeholder alignment’ or ‘stakeholder management’?

Who leads a cross-functional team, and what happens when a team member faces conflicting guidance from team leaders versus other department heads?

What is the root cause of the frustration and unproductive time spent in such scenarios?

While we ponder these questions, it becomes evident that the fundamental principles of management as espoused by Henry Fayol offer timeless wisdom and guidance. Fayol’s “Unity of Command” and “Unity of Direction” may seem like relics of a bygone era, but perhaps it’s time to reconsider their relevance in the contemporary management landscape. In this article, we will explore why and how these principles got lost in management and discuss what we can do to bring them back to the surface for the benefit of today’s organizations.

The Quandary of Stakeholder Alignment:

Stakeholder alignment has become a buzzword in modern management, often consuming an inordinate amount of time and resources. But do we ever stop to question the underlying reasons for this? Are we, in fact, missing the forest for the trees? Could it be that the absence of a clear chain of command and unity of direction is at the core of this issue?

The Leadership Conundrum in Cross-Functional Teams:

Cross-functional teams have emerged as the go-to solution for tackling complex challenges. Yet, they introduce a unique leadership challenge. Who leads these teams, and how can they function effectively when team members receive conflicting guidance from multiple sources? The absence of unity in command and direction can sow the seeds of confusion, inefficiency, and frustration.

The Hidden Frustration:

Frustration and unproductive time spent in stakeholder alignment and cross-functional teams often have their roots in the lack of clarity and unity. Team members may find themselves torn between their loyalty to their immediate team leader and the directives coming from other department heads. This dilemma can lead to burnout, decreased morale, and a sense of aimlessness in the organization.

Reviving Fayol’s Principles: Henry Fayol’s principles of “Unity of Command” and “Unity of Direction” may have been overshadowed by newer management methodologies, but they offer a valuable solution to the modern management challenges we face. By re-embracing these principles, organizations can streamline communication, reduce conflicts, and regain focus on their core objectives.


In the whirlwind of modern management, we’ve become accustomed to complex structures and convoluted processes. Yet, as we grapple with the ever-pressing issue of stakeholder alignment and team leadership, it’s crucial to revisit the wisdom of the past. The fundamental principles of management introduced by Henry Fayol remain relevant and practical, serving as a beacon of light in the darkness of confusion and frustration. It’s time for organizations to reevaluate their approach, rekindle the principles of unity of command and direction, and, in doing so, unlock the full potential of their teams and projects.

