Mehwish sharif
6 min readJun 20, 2023


Photo by Gabriel Meinert on Unsplash

DISCLAIMER! The following account is based on a true story.

Being a surgeon is arduous, given the distinctive lifestyle it entails, particularly when raising twin children. I have never encountered difficulties in finding or hiring a maid, as I have never felt the need for one.

However, the situation changed as my long-serving maid of over a decade began to show signs of aging. Her physical condition deteriorated, evident in her weakened bones and the struggles she faced while performing tasks such as standing, sitting, or stretching. I grew concerned not only because I would lose her as an employee but also because our bond had evolved into something akin to family. She had become a mother figure to me. I desired to arrange treatment for her, but the reality is that no remedy can halt the effects of old age and its accompanying challenges.

After a few months of continuing to work, she found it increasingly difficult and eventually decided to resign from her position, offering her apologies. Despite my concern for her well-being, I did not prevent her from leaving. With the demands of my 8-hour hospital shifts and the responsibility of caring for my young children, finding a replacement maid became a daunting task, presenting itself as a significant challenge.

I reached out to an agency specializing in providing trustworthy maids, despite the inherent risks involved. I outlined specific conditions that the maid must meet, including being married and having a family without any issues related to living away from home or the city.

Within a week, the agency sent me a maid. We entered into a six-month contract, and I paid her approximately $105. Over the course of a few days, I observed her work diligently and noted her dedication to her duties. However, during certain periods while I was at the hospital, I noticed that she was frequently on the phone, almost every minute, without exaggeration. She would tie a cloth around her head, concealing the phone within it, and continue with tasks such as washing dishes and ironing clothes. Curious about the nature of her calls, I inquired about whom she was speaking to, to which she replied that she was talking to her husband.

According to her, she was a divorced woman who had entered into a second marriage with a man she met while working at her previous job. They both worked together and had a court marriage due to her family’s disapproval of the man she wished to marry.

I grew increasingly annoyed by her continuous calls and discussed the matter with my family, who advised me to speak to her and issue a warning. Following their advice, I approached her and expressed my concerns, requesting that she refrain from making or receiving calls while she was working. Shahana, as she was called, apologized and assured me that she would not be on the phone during work hours. As a precaution, I also lodged a complaint with the company representative who had arranged the maid for me. He assured me that if the situation persisted, they would arrange for a replacement after monitoring her for another month.

I heeded their advice, and as three months passed, I noticed an improvement in her work. I had no further complaints about her. One day, upon returning from my morning shift as usual, I noticed a tense expression and teary eyes on her face. Concerned, I hurried to her side and inquired about what had happened. She revealed, “My husband is filing for divorce at 10 am today.” I was taken aback by this revelation and began contemplating how a man could abruptly divorce his wife without any apparent reason. I immediately asked her for the cause, especially since they had entered into a love marriage.

“He suspects that I am involved with another man since I don’t answer his calls,” she pleaded. Overwhelmed with empathy, I assured her that I would speak to her husband and explain to him that I did not allow her to take personal calls while working. Due to my hospital rotation, I was unable to contact her husband immediately. When I returned home after completing my shift, I found her in the kitchen washing dishes. Rushing to her, I bombarded her with questions: “What happened? Is everything okay? Have you spoken to your husband? Did he divorce you?”

For a couple of minutes, she remained silent before finally responding, “Yes, ma’am, everything is sorted out now. We are fine.” Her words brought relief and joy to me. The next day, I received a call from her sister-in-law, who informed me that Shahana’s husband had tried to attempt suicide due to deep despair. He loved her dearly, but he believed she was constantly engaged in other conversations and ignored him. I found this perplexing since I had witnessed her working diligently in front of me and refraining from using her phone. Nevertheless, I reassured her sister-in-law that Shahana was in safe hands. I explained that, as a Muslim family, our male family members avoided entering rooms occupied by “Na-mahram,” or non-family members. Furthermore, my husband would be out of town for the entire week, only returning on weekends.

A few more days passed, and while having tea with my family, I received a call from an unknown number. The caller introduced himself as Rahman from XYZ Company and threatened to file a lawsuit against me and my family for sexually harassing their maid. He also mentioned sending a security team the next morning to rescue her. My heart raced like thunder, and I immediately retorted, demanding to know who he was. Subsequently, we engaged in a lengthy conversation during which he revealed his identity and informed me that the person who had provided me with the maid worked under him, as he was the CEO of the company.

I explained the entire situation to him, highlighting all the complaints I had about her, the complexities in her relationship with her husband, and even my desire to replace her after the completion of the six-month contract. I then contacted Shahana and confronted her about the ongoing circumstances. She confessed, “Ma’am, my husband is furious with me. He claims to have evidence that I engaged in a sexual relationship with someone else. He says he has obtained my DNA report.”

I inquired about the source of these reports and how such tests could have been conducted without her knowledge, considering she was living with me. The room fell silent, engulfed in a sense of unease. She remained wordless. Without hesitation, I accompanied her to the hospital to undergo all the necessary tests to prove our innocence. Fortunately, all the tests yielded normal results.

I forwarded the complete reports to the CEO of the company, who then suggested sending the maid back to her village. The following morning, on the 14th of March at 8 a.m., I booked her a ticket and documented the details with a photograph, clearly displaying the date and time. This evidence was also shared with the CEO.

On the 15th of March, as I entered the hospital, my phone buzzed with multiple messages. Trembling, I opened them, only to be greeted with images of Shahana in a vulnerable state, undressed, and bearing signs of physical abuse. Accompanying the pictures was a message threatening to leak the images and frame me for the situation unless a payment of $1000 was received within a day.

I immediately contacted the CEO, who was equally appalled as he had received the same messages. Concerned about his company’s reputation and not wanting the situation to escalate further, we decided to pay the demanded amount. We recorded a video of them confessing to their malicious scheme and acquired a written statement with their signatures, ensuring that they would not make any further demands for money.

Photo by Romain Dancre on Unsplash

Consequently, Shahana and her husband left the city, putting an end to this distressing chapter in our lives.

