7 Exotic Twists to Tiramisu with Best and Healthy Fruits

Meighan Sembrano
5 min readNov 7, 2016


Tiramisu is an Italian dessert that conquered the entire world. It poses as one of the most favorite desserts on the planet, and the chances are high you love it as well. The word “tiramisu” literally means “pick me up” and the dessert itself is a luxurious treat blending the bold flavors of cocoa and espresso with savory mascarpone cheese and wine, all layered with ladyfinger biscuits. If you love tiramisu (and who doesn’t), you came to the right place. Here, you’ll find seven exotic twists to the traditional way of making this dessert. Recipes in this article contain fruits, thus combining the deliciousness of tiramisu with an abundance of vitamins and minerals. If you’ve ever thought that delicious and healthy don’t go together, you’re about to change your mind.

  1. Pineapple Tiramisu
Pineapple Tiramisu (Image Credit- Shutterstock)

Pineapples are rich in Vitamin C, manganese, copper, folate, and they’re an abundant source of fiber. That said, most health benefits that pineapple provides are attributed to the high content of bromelain. For instance, a study published in the Molecular Nutrition & Food Research showed that bromelain exerts antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects in colorectal carcinoma cells. Yes, this means that due to bromelain, pineapple can help reduce the risk of cancer and slow down its progress.

If you’ve never tried pineapple tiramisu, you’re missing out. The dessert is refreshing, reenergizing, and delicious at the same time. To make this dessert, you don’t need too many ingredients. In fact, besides pineapple, you’ll need eggs, sugar, biscuit, mascarpone cheese, and cocoa powder. The full recipe is here.

2. Raspberry Tiramisu

Raspberry Tiramisu (Image Credit- Shutterstock)

Raspberries are nature’s candies; with their vibrant color and delicious taste, it comes as no wonder they fit perfectly with every dessert, and tiramisu is no exception. These berries are abundant in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that fend off diseases and protect our overall health. For example, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published results of the study which showed that flavonoid-rich foods like raspberries decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases. With these and many other health benefits, it comes as no wonder why best diet plan is the one containing an abundance of these yummy berries.

To make a super tasty raspberry tiramisu, you’ll need both raspberry jam and fruits, along with orange liquor, mascarpone cheese, vanilla extract, and so on. You’ll only need 20 minutes to prepare this dessert, and since it’s incredibly easy, you don’t have to possess master chef level of culinary skills. The full recipe is here.

3. Lemon Tiramisu

Lemon Tiramisu (Image Credit- Shutterstock)

If you’re looking for a citrus tiramisu to feel refreshed and reenergized, then you’ll love this recipe. To make lemon tiramisu, you’ll need lemon slices, lemon juice, Limoncello, as well as standard ingredients for this lovely dessert. The full recipe is here.

Besides incredibly delicate nature of this dessert, you’ll be happy to know that lemon delivers a broad range of health benefits at the same time. For instance, lemon has antibacterial properties, thus posing as the best tool for protection against infections and viruses.

4. Orange Tiramisu

Orange Tiramisu (Image Credit- Shutterstock)

According to a paper published in the Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Vitamin C has brain-healthy properties. In fact, it has potential therapeutic roles against ischemic stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntingdon’s disease. Plus, you already know Vitamin C is essential for strong immunity and overall health. Orange is one of the most abundant sources of the essential vitamin, which is why you’ll adore tiramisu with this tropical fruit. And it’s needless to mention oranges are a great source of dietary fiber, essential for digestion which is particularly beneficial if you’re trying to eat a high fiber diet.

Orange Tiramisu requires orange juice, zest, marmalade, as well as eggs, cocoa powder, and a slice of orange for decoration. The recipe yields 12 servings, thus posing as the ideal dessert for dinner parties. Get the full recipe here.

5. Plum Tiramisu

Plum Tiramisu (Image Credit-Google)

Let’s face it, you never thought there would be a plum tiramisu, but here it is — and it’s beyond delicious. Plums are amazing; they’re low in calories, fats, and carbs. Additionally, they’re an excellent source of Vitamin C and Vitamin A which improves vision, bone growth, and other significant health benefits.

Plum tiramisu is equally tasty as plums themselves, and it doesn’t require too many ingredients for 10 to 12 servings. Get the full recipe here.

6. Triple Berry Tiramisu

Triple Berry Tiiramisu (Image Credit- Google)

The study whose findings were published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, berries have beneficial effects on the brain and have a tremendous potential to prevent age-related memory loss and other changes. The organism needs antioxidants which fight free radicals and prevent oxidative damage. That’s why you’ll love this recipe; it poses as a nutritional powerhouse containing an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, but it also features three incredibly delicious berries: strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Here’s another reason to make this dessert: the total prep time is 10 minutes only. How amazing is that? Get the full recipe here.

7. Peach Tiramisu

Peach Tiramisu (Image Credit- Google)

Peaches are juicy, tasty, and versatile; you can include them in any dessert, and it would still turn out to be a perfection on a plate. Due to high levels of magnesium, peaches help manage stress and anxiety, thus keeping the entire nervous system relaxed and calm. Let’s not forget they have anti-aging properties as well. This recipe is a simple variation from a traditional tiramisu; here you dip the biscuit into a mixture of peach nectar and Amaretto. You’ll also use peaches cut in slices when to start layering your dessert. Get the full recipe here.


Tiramisu is divine, and besides traditional way of making, it gives you the opportunity to experiment and spice things up. Throughout this article, we’ve shown you seven exotic variations of standard dessert. All you have to do is to pick your favorite and surprise your palate with an amazing blend of flavors.

