Why I decide to write “same things” everyday | Daily Digest 18th April

Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2018

300 words everyday. let’s first see what will happen one month later.

Now I am sitting at Mac Lab in Bobst Library and writing this Journal. And I decided to start a new section for my blog called ;

Daily Digest

Actually, the inspiration of “Daily Digest” is just from Medium itself. If you subscribe some publications of Meidum you will receive regular emails call Daily Digest or Weekly Digest based on the frequency you choose. I like the word : digest. Because when you reflect your life or things that happened, your brain are actually doing the same kind of thing with your stomach when your stomach is helping to digest the good you ate. Digest shows a process of how your stomach break foods down into smaller piece and help you body to absorb nutrition from it.

Reflection is also going through similar process.

I believe that recaping things that happened and digest them to get takeaways from everyday will largely help us learn lessons from our daily life that we might tend to ignore if we do not digest them with a certain consistent and regular pattern.

So I decided to write constantly everyday as a trail and we can have a guess what will happen 30 days later.

Washington Square (From kimmel Center of NYU)

Not long before, I noticed a concept when I was reading others’ blog

Writing is not only creating, it is also documenting.

Focusing on creating new topics, writing new articles is truly a burden if you only aiming to write something looks new to both you and your audience. Since normally people think write about themselves and things that happened before is not new to themselves.

We might forget writing is a mutual action, you are writing and others are reading. The most important meaning behind writing is never going to be creating something new, but documenting and sharing.

So from today on, except from my regular business related articles, monthly reviews, I am going to document everyday of my life and digest details behind them. 300 words per day will be my goal, if i keep do so, after 30 days, equals a 10k words book!

Keep going, don’t settle!

Words count : 360.

Find more of my stories here !

By the way, 👏🏻 *clap* 👏🏻 your hands (up to 50x) if you enjoyed this post. It encourages me to keep daily writing and help other people finding it :)



Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts

Marketer, Writer, Entrepreneur, MS@NYU, AIESECer, Scholar@Watson Incubation | Data Analytics, Product Management, Marketing | Based in New York & China