Work On Your Professional Relationships With Mei!

Messaging Improved
3 min readNov 4, 2019


These days so many of our relationships are developed and managed via our mobile phone, in particular, our messaging apps. We use messaging apps to text our friends, keep up to date with family and arrange dates. But it’s not just our personal life, we also manage our professional relationships via text. To keep up to date with our team, to message our boss about tomorrow’s meeting, to arrange a job interview or to try and secure a client.

Much like romantic relationships, these professional relationships can be a nightmare to manage and understand. We pick apart every aspect of our communication….

Was I too informal with my boss?

What did the interviewer really think of me? Does his text mean that the interview went well?

Is this guy really interested in signing this deal? Or is he just stringing me along?

Am I about to lose this client to my competitor…?

In a recent Comedy Central segment on the Lights Out with David Spade show, Drew Carey commented that he would like Mei to help him analyze texts from his agent or messages from the President of CBS to help him negotiate more money. And at Mei, we aim to please… we decide to use our AI platform to help Drew and all of our users out!

We have expanded our AI platform to help you understand more about how you and business partner, prospective client or employer, employee, agent or another professional contact communicate.

You can ask Mei:

1. How do we communicate differently?

2. What are our strengths together?

Mei will look at you and your contact’s personality traits revealed by the way that you communicate to determine the response. Perhaps you are both very trusting, or you are more organized than your new client, or you are more confident than your colleague.

Mei will identify these similarities and/or differences and gives you advice to help you communicate better.

For iOS users, you can download Mei, export conversations from WhatsApp, select the Professional analysis and the question you want to ask Mei and she will highlight any differences/similarities and provide advice. As you continue to message you can export these new messages and track any changes in Mei as your professional relationship develops. Selecting the “History” button will show you all of Mei’s analysis and advice for that contact.

For android users, we will be adding these professional based questions to our android app very soon.

We plan to build out more features going forward, including questions tailored to your professional relationship with that contact…

Will they become a client?

Are they happy with my services?

Will I get the job?

How happy are they with their job?

Are they interested in working together?

Soon, Mei will be able to help you find the answer to these questions and more from the messages with any of your professional contacts!

