Project 4: Final Project

Laser Cutter and 3D Printer

Joshua Meiners
5 min readNov 28, 2018

Brainstorming Ideas

Idea 1 — Chess Set

Chess precedent

I want to make a chess set that uses symbols, like the letters in the precedent, as the chess pieces as well as creating a unique board for the pieces. The pieces will be 3D printed and the board will be laser cut from acrylic and wood.

Chess Idea

Idea 2 — Small River Side-Table

River table precedent

For this idea I want to make a small table that resembles a “river table”. I want to CNC the wood to create a river-bed and laser cut the water layer on top.

River Table Idea

Idea3 — Pencil Case

CNC Box precedent

For this idea I want to make a pencil case out of one piece of wood. I want to CNC the wood so that it is nearly seamless. I also want to engrave a design on the sides of the box as well as add a hinge and clasp so that it stays closed.

Pencil Case Idea

Prototype Iteration and Filework

Chess Pieces

Traditional Font
Unique Font
Character Hats


Unique Board Design Physical Prototype
Digital Prototype 1
Digital Prototype 2

Final Filework

The section before this has the iteration filework for the prototyping phase of the project. This section contains filework for the final assembly of the project. Through group critique, decided to pursue the traditional font for the chess pieces and do a double-sided board that incorporated both designs.

Final board Iteration (Normal Board on Left. Two Final Iterations on Right)
The layout of Final Pieces in Rhino.
Pieces for 3D Printer

Final Board Assembly

I started with the laser cut portion of the project since that would take the most time and most refinement. I ended with printing out the pieces for the board.

Laser Cutter Process and Pieces.

The next step was sanding and organizing all of the pieces so that they can be glued in order later. Once sanded I started to put the pieces together for final staining.


I started with the outer box and interior corner braces. I then assembled the piece holder and finally the board itself. Once assembled the board is ready for some color.

Ready for Board Piece Assembly.
Inserting Board Pieces

While the board pieces were being glued in I had sent the chess piece file in for 3D printing. Once the glue dried on the board the pieces were ready for final assembly.

Chess Piece Assembly

I used a clear base for the pieces because I wanted the words to stand out on the board and I felt that a clear base wouldn’t distract from that. Each piece, once assembled, will fit into their designated spots within the board. There is just enough room to fit them and make the board lay on top to prevent them from moving out of their spots.

Final Piece

The final board is double sided for two different types of chess experiences. The board can be lifted out and flipped for the preferred side and to reveal the compartment for the chess pieces. Each piece has a specific place within.

