Can Humans Eat Dog Treats?

No. But also, yes!

Meisha Moore
3 min readJun 24, 2022

We buy dog treats for our dogs because we want to praise and reward them. They like them apparently! But have you ever wondered if you would get the same satisfaction out of eating the dog treats as your dog would? Can humans even eat dog treats? Should we? Well… here’s the scoop.

Dog Food

Dog laying next to a bowl of dog food
Photo by Ayla Verschueren on Unsplash

Dog food, like human food is regulated and required to be safe for animals to eat. Dog food and treats are regulated by the FFDCA which requires all animal food be safe to eat, produced under sanitary conditions, contain no harmful substances, and be truthfully labeled. However, many dog food manufacturers claim that their food is “human quality,” but this is not a legally defined term. Only products that are produced in a factory that also produces human foods can legally be labeled as “human grade.” In addition, various ingredients used in many poor-quality pet foods may include by-products, chemicals, fillers and parts from ’4D’ meats (animals which are dying, diseased, disabled or deceased) that are not fit for human consumption at all. Some dog foods contain a synthetic form of vitamin K known as menadione, or vitamin K3. This vitamin is safe for dogs, but research suggests that it’s toxic to humans in high doses.

Therefore, the term, “Made with Human-Grade Ingredients,” does not mean that a finished product is actually, legally, human-grade either. Though a small amount is unlikely to cause any major harm, even though some dog foods may look scrumptious enough for humans to eat, this doesn’t mean that we should as some dog foods are not safe or sanitary for humans to consume.

Dog Treats

Small dog eating treat from human hand
Photo by Sohini on Unsplash

On the other hand, some dog treats can be eaten by humans in some cases, and some are actually tasty. There are many dog treats currently on the market made with human grade ingredients. Definitely watch out for ingredients that are harmful to humans such as BHA, BHT, Ethoxyquin and Propyl Gallate, preservatives often found in dog treats but also known as human carcinogens. Also, take a look at a recent article I posted about dog treat ingredients to avoid for more information.

Whether considering dog food or dog treats for your consumption, it is always important to look at the ingredients to make sure the product is safe for human consumption. That being said, once you know the ingredients are safe, don’t be afraid to sample a couple of your dog’s treats… you might find that you actually like them.



Meisha Moore

Professional SEO by trade! Here to share my experience with professional and personal development, as well as some of my hobbies (cooking, books, etc.)