Structured Ideation


Gabriele Meissner
2 min readNov 14, 2018

My idea that I have narrowed down is my bike light idea. At the moment it is a small light with the word “BIKE” projected in LED lights to signal to other people on the road that there is a cyclist present. To expand on my idea I ran it through the SCAMPER model (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Magnify/minify, Put to other use, Eliminate, Reverse/Replace).

I then chose the best ideas from each category and sketched them out.

Morphological Analysis

Next I did a morphological analysis and wrote down the functional requirements for my idea. I then listed the design embodiments for each of the functional requirements.


11/15 — Run ideas through the SCAMPER model

11/16 — Do final drawing from SCAMPER model

11/16 — Morphological Analysis, break idea down into function requirements fill in 6 design embodiments for each requirement

11/17 — Create Presentation slides

11/18 — Create final blog post

