Core Expedition | Shivam Singh | ITC

Mekanika IITKGP
5 min readMay 5, 2022


Shivam Singh

The Interview:

1) Could you briefly explain to us about your company field? What motivated you to pursue this domain?

ITC Limited is an FMCG(Fast moving consumer goods) company which requires a Techno-managerial role. I have been selected as the AUT(Assistant under training). Basically, ITC manufactures a lot of goods like stationery, foods, and personal care products. The role here is to manage all the things at the industrial level. ITC recruits mainly from the Department of Mechanical engineering, Chemical engineering, Industrial engineering.

ITC takes in people mostly from the internships as PPO’s (Pre-placement order). So, the people taken in via the placements is very less.

When it comes to the motivation that led to pursuing this domain, the course of Operations Research and Supply chain created my interest in the domain. My internship at ISB (Indian school of business) was helpful in considering this domain.

2) What was the exact selection procedure for your company? Can you brief us about the type of questions asked in each round?

The selection procedure was done in 3 rounds. The first round was the CV Shortlisting. I would like to explain about the CV in 5 parts. It would be familiar to you about the Kgp format of CV. The 5 parts are 1. Academics, 2. Achievements 3. Internships, 4. Position of responsibilities(POR’s), and finally 5. Extra curricular activities. I would recommend you to peak in at least 3 of the 5 parts.

After the first round, around 60 people were shortlisted to the second round of selection i.e, group discussion. This can be considered as the important round. The concept of group discussion is not the same every year for ITC. This time, there was a situation given and we were supposed to analyze it and come to a conclusion. The question was like this: The situation is explained, about a person who is dead and we need to identify who may be blamed for the cause. For these kinds of discussions, you need to be sure about your answer.

12 or 13 people were shortlisted to the final round, the Personnel interview. The Personnel interview was of 2 sub rounds. The 1st one focused on the CV. They grilled me on my CV. They asked me about each and every point on my CV. They started discussion on my projects, internship experience.

The 2nd one was kind of focussed on personality. This is where they identify the person they want. The questions in this round were of High order thinking. For example, I was asked to explain about my life. And one more question was to briefly describe the successes and failures I experienced.In all these questions, the interviewers check your honesty and diplomacy. As far as I remember, the total personnel interview round went for 45–55 mins.

3) What skills are required to work in this domain? How did you acquire those skills? (Mention both academic and extracurricular)

The role at ITC is a Techno-managerial role, so the main skill required is management. I would say that the Position of responsibilities plays an important role in development management skills. My position as Vice President, Technology Students’​ Gymkhana and other PORs helped me in developing the skills of management.

4) When did you start preparing for your placements? Could you give a rough sketch of your timetable?

Regarding the preparations, I was also preparing for the consulting role. So, for that I solved many case studies and learnt how to tackle a given case in a structured way. This really helped me in Group Discussion and the Personnel interview.

Preparation for ITC was not needed much because the role focuses on the managerial position. One must be through with everything written in the CV as most of the questions asked were related to them.

5) What is the general influence of (a) CGPA (b) Projects © Interns (d) POR’s in the selection procedure?

This question is really interesting. I would say that the POR’s had the greatest influence in the selection procedure. After that, the projects and the Interns can be considered. I feel Achievements also had an influence. They may be of any field, maybe achievements in case of acads, or in sports etc..,

I think, having a decent CGPA (over 8.5) will be enough for the placement in ITC because, CGPA is considered while shortlisting in the initial rounds.

6) Give some general do’s and don’ts during CDC season?


  • During CDC season, focus only on your preparations.(Not to worry about the companies)
  • Interact with your friends. At the time of placements, your friends will be the one supporting you in case of either a good moment or a disappointing one. Friend circle is most supportive.
  • Be sure about the role you are considering.It happens that people choose a role and after working for some period they don’t find the role to be interesting and change the role. There are many opportunities and resources around us to help us decide to role we wanna proceed in.
  • Form a group of like minded people and prepare as a group.


  • Don’t panic about the companies, placements etc. Be sure about your preparation.

7) Which departmental courses are most relevant during the selection process? Any specific courses that you would recommend to take.

Having prepared about operations research and also the Supply chain would be enough. The most important point to be noted is that the company doesn’t expect you to totally know about supply chain and Operations but analyze if you are suitable for the role.

8) What factors do you think are necessary for making an impressive CV for your company?

In my opinion, POR’s play an important role in the case of Techno-managerial roles. Internships and projects related to job profiles add on to that. The most important point is to be confident about what you mentioned on your CV.

9) Any parting advice you would like to give to the students who would be facing the upcoming CDC season?

Along with the do’s and don’ts mentioned above, I strongly advise you to make a structured plan for CDC season. Internship experience in the desired field is highly necessary as it lets you understand the work you are gonna do. Be friendly with everyone. Never stay under confident about your preparation. If you are prepared and keep trying, you will surely get the placement.

