Docking Container Images Alongside Harbor In Minikube

5 min readDec 3, 2019


Harbor is like a Swiss army knife packed with features and functions that are orientated to allow users to host private docker images.

Harbor provides the following key features

  • Replicate projects: Harbor supports images replication to replicate repositories from one Harbor instance to another.
  • Manage role by LDAP group: Harbor administrators can import an LDAP/AD group to Harbor and assign project roles to it.
  • Manage Labels: Harbor provides labels to isolate image resources globally or at the project level.
  • Manage Helm Charts: Harbor provides management of Helm charts isolated by projects and controlled by RBAC.
  • Integrated UAA Authentication: Harbor can share UAA authentication with Pivotal Application Service (PAS) and Enterprise PKS.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Users and repositories are organized into projects. Users can have different permissions for the images in different projects.
  • Policy-Based Image Replication: Images can be synchronized between multiple registry instances with auto-retry on errors, offering support for load balancing, high availability, multi-datacenter, hybrid, and multi-cloud scenarios.
  • Vulnerability Scanning: Harbor uses Clair to scan images regularly and warn users of vulnerabilities.
  • LDAP/Active Directory (AD) Support: Harbor integrates with enterprise LDAP/AD systems for user authentication and management.
  • Image Deletion and Garbage Collection: Images can be deleted and their space can be recycled.
  • Notary: Image authenticity can be ensured by using Docker Notary.
  • Graphical User Portal: Users can easily browse, search repositories, and manage projects.
  • Auditing: All the operations to the repositories are tracked.
  • RESTful API: RESTful APIs for most administrative operations, easy to integrate with external systems.

In this article, we will be walking through a quick setup with Minikube hosting our Harbor repository. We will conclude with a simple docker tag and push operation into our private Harbor repository.

Part 1 — Installation & Configuration

We are using helm to perform the installation with the Harbor chart default values.

Add Helm Repository

helm repo add harbor

Clone the Harbor Repository

git clone

Path into the Harbor git directory. Perform a helm install of the Harbor chart. Note that the command is based on Helm 3.

helm install harbor harbor/harbor -n harbor

It will take a while for all the component pods to be up and running.

Default value of Harbor helm chart uses the ingress configuration.

Hence we need to manually add the ingress host & IP address into our /etc/hosts on the host that is running our Minikube.

We can try to access the Harbor website via the URL https://core.harbor.domain

Harbor web console

Login with the following details

username = admin & password = Harbor12345

First thing we need to create a new project inside Harbor. This will be where we will be storing all the project related Docker images.

Create a new project

Then we move over to create a new user within Harbor.

Create a new user

Lastly we need to add the newly created user into our project member.

Adding user into project

Part 2 — Docker Image Tagging and Pushing

On the host that is running Minikube, we need to have Docker CE running.

On a terminal, we will log in Harbor repository

docker login -u<harbor-user> core.harbor.domain

E xperience : We should be seeing the following error after we enter the password to login

INFO[0002] Error logging in to v2 endpoint, trying next endpoint: Get https://core.harbor.domain/v2/: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

This is a known issue with Docker private repository. We can resolve this simply by instruct our mac OS to trust the Harbor repository self signed ca cert.

First we need to get the Harbor ca cert. This can be downloaded from our Project -> Repositories tag, click on the “Registry Certificate”. This will download the ca.crt file.

Execute the following command.

security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain ./ca.crt

Restart Docker process after the operation.

docker login -udevops core.harbor.domain Password:Login Succeeded

Confirm that we have an existing docker image that we want to upload

Existing Docker image

We will proceed to tag the Docker image (e.g. nginx) according to Harbor convention format

core.harbor.domain/<Harbor project>/<Image name>:<version>
Docker image tagging

We will finally push the image into our Harbor repository

Image successfully push into Harbor
Image uploaded into Harbor


In a couple of steps, we have managed to set up Harbor and uploaded our first Docker image. However, we have just barely touch on the vast amount of useful features that Harbor provides such as vulnerability scanning and helm chart management.

