Can your surroundings affect your mood and productivity?

How to create healthy, emotionally supportive and beautiful surroundings in your home or work space.

Melanie Falvey
6 min readNov 5, 2017

Have you ever felt strange in a space, like there was something off? Maybe the temperature was too high, the colours too dark, the smell weird…

On the other hand is there a place you love going to because you enjoy the atmosphere? The lighting is cosy and inviting and it smells delicious?

It is a fact that our environment can affect our mood, our productivity and our creativity.

Beautiful surroundings make us happier, more creative and productive.

  • Do you sometimes feel depressed in a particular space?
  • Is it hard for you to sleep in some bedrooms?
  • Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed in certain spaces?
  • Do you, on the other hand feel relaxed in a specific place?
  • Does a particular color make you anxious?
  • Do you have a preference for a color or color palette?

Well, all this is happening for a reason.



Melanie Falvey

Optimised workspaces for high-performers.Creator of the "Backdrops that Sell System". Psychology+design approach.