Reasons to install and benefits of Split Pipe Insulation

3 min readNov 10, 2022


Pipe splitting is a process of replacing old and damaged underground piping, it is carried out by cutting segments along their length using an internal head with cutter blades. Split Pipe Insulation is used to replace ductile material pipes, which do not fracture using other bursting techniques. The system includes a splitting wheel or cutting knives that slit the pipe vertically at two more lines along the side of the pipe.

Why do water pipes split?

When the water within the pipes freezes and expands makes the pipes split. Pipes are not made to deal with the expansion causing cracks to form, then when temperatures increase the water thaws and escapes. The pipes can leak out liquids through these cracked pipes significantly damaging the property.

Which pipes get risky in extreme temperatures?

  1. Exterior pipework

The pipelines on the outside of the property are exposed to the elements and therefore are at the most risk of facing extreme temperatures. A leak can be the cause of internal dampness, saturated floors and water pooling along external walls all of which require significant repair work to correct.

2. Internal pipes on an exterior wall

Pipework on the internal side of an exterior wall might get colder than other pipes within the property which poses a risk of freezing. Keeping the property warm will balance the cold from the exterior wall. A leak could result in damaged fixtures and fittings in the homes.

3. Pipework in unheated rooms

Pipework in unheated areas of the home such as the garage is at risk of freezing and facing extreme conditions. This could be undetected for some time resulting in an expensive repair.

4. Pipework in cupboards

Pipework in internal cupboards is also exposed to risk even if they are in an insulated room. The cupboards act as a barrier to the warm air. Once again protecting these pipes from freezing is an important element that makes pipe insulation even more essential in ensuring the prevention of water damage to the property.

How to insulate split pipes?

Pipe insulation is done by attaching foam tubing that fits around the pipe. It is easy to fit. It can be used on copper and plastic, hot and cold pipes and is available in various sizes depending on the level of protection required. Pipe insulation comes with covering straight pipes to fit bends and corners ensuring all sections are protected.

Key benefits of pipe insulation -

If the pipes are poorly insulated it poses a threat when the temperature is freezing. Standing water left in pipes can freeze and expand, which causes tiny cracks that may break open. It is essential that the pipes are properly insulated in areas prone to freezing down.

Energy costs — Insulating pipes can impact overall energy consumption. Proper insulation around pipes restricts heat transfer and provides a vapour barrier against moisture. This enhances the thermal efficiency of the home.

Water damage — The poorly insulated pipes let the water condense, which leaves the pipes to standing water that freezes in cold weather conditions. Condensation affects the condition of pipes, causing erosion, leaks, cracks, and gaps.

Reduces heat loss — Hot water pipes should be insulated from the water heater to their final destination. Pipe insulation reduces the heat lost between the water heater and the fixture. This in turn raises the temperature of the water provided to the faucet and showerheads.

Reach out to us at MELBOURNE LAGGERS to ensure providing solutions to protect the condition of the pipes. Pipe Lagging Bunnings brings effective insulation solutions for dealing with extreme conditions and pressure. The insulation process enhances the protection of the system.

