Diary of a migration: from PC to Mac. Day 1, Unboxing.

3 min readJul 26, 2022


Personal info: Gadget lover, curious about anything technological, open source culture fan. Seek more info at my bio.

Previous Status description: Owner of an Acer laptop since 2015, (intel i5, 15.4", 16GB RAM, ssd, dual boot windows and ubuntu) used as the primary job and entertainment setup. And it did it really decently…until now.

Computer use: Mild (0.5–1.5 hours per day), including one or more of the following: writing and editing office (word and excel) and tex documents, organizing and editing photos in lightroom, conducting statistical analysis in spss and R, rarely coding in Matlab, video conferencing (specially during Covid lockdowns) and browsing around internet.

Why migration: I was always envy for Apple’s products. Shiny, special, escaping from the mainstream and building bridges to the technology of the future (I know, this claim is under discussion, but…another one). However, they were always so…expensive. At least for my wallet. Until a voucher landed on my bank account (don’t ask how, I won’t tell you) and torturous thoughts were keeping me awake.

Since M1 arrived to market, everybody talks about how Macbook Air became at last a “value for money” computer, making other laptops seem stupidly insufficient and expensive. These discussions kept appearing in front of me when browsing around, while I was struggling to remind myself of Apple’s outrageous marketing policy of its fenced ecosystem. Recently, counting two years after M1’s revolution, M2 Macbook air appeared, ridiculously overpriced in comparison to the M1 model. And then I saw the truth: M1's “normal” price was the cheese to grab mice…fans, I mean, to the new upcoming fascinating era of ARM based laptops.

I knew the truth, I knew that I potentially was a mouse in the Apple’s capitalistic marketing trap, I new that joining Apple’s ecosystem could be considered betrayal in the circles of open source loyals, I even knew that macos is not exactly customizable to user’s needs. Damn it! I knew all of these, but I also knew that at last the time came: I should be an Apple’s mouse and taste a cheese, hmm…Mac I mean. And let there be Macbook Air, M1, 256Gb.

Day 1, Unboxing. Undoubtedly, you have been in the same position: you have read all the specs one thousand times, you have touch it at least one hundred times when visiting your neighborhood’s mall. But when you hold at last your own Mac, then it is something totally different. It is your precious. It is thinner, shinier, lighter, faster than what you have read or seen at the past. And it’s yours. Extra bonus: I really enjoy my son, 7 years old, rotating around Mac, like in an ancient dance of thanking gods for their gift. Yeah, he makes fun with technology, just like me. Unfortunately, it is late, we are tired and we must retrieve powers for the tomorrow playing with the new toy. And what a toy.

…to be continued

