An e-commerce design for a physical comic book store.

Melissa Rojas R.
5 min readSep 6, 2022


In this project, my colleagues and I had the challenge to create an e-commerce website for a comic book store called Over Unfug, it is located in Berlin, Germany and has two physical stores.

We had the opportunity to talk to the owner of the store, who was very kind and gave us the chance to have a little interview with him.

He told us his story as a curator of every single comic that enters the store, and how much he cares about having the most unique pieces even tho there are fewer sales for those.

During the conversation he told us why he doesn’t have an e-commerce website because he has the experience of it not being easy, but he was excited to give us the possibility to create something for his store.

For us to understand the problems of not only the owner but the users as well we made a survey, in which we realized:

  • There is a big age range of people who reads comics, they go from 6 years old to over 60 y/o.
  • The competitors with big prestige e-commerce websites.
  • The brand does not have an online presence
  • Almost 50% of people like to buy online and 50% of people like to make research online before buying.

Once we gather all the information required to comprehend the main pain points of this challenge we understood the main problem:

Problem statement:

How might we bring the curator's extensive vision and skills into an online concept?

Hypothesis statement

We believe that by creating an online presence for grober unfug, they will achieve an expansion of the physical space to an online platform where their users interact with the store.

We will know we are right wether the costumer embraces our online platform or chooses not to.

To empathize with the users we created a user persona, this persona is a comic enthusiast who loves graphic novels specifically and is a collector even tho he thinks paperback is very expensive.

Think about a journey you usually have when going to a physical store, for some of us is really important before we go to a physical store to make a little research about what we want to buy to make sure we like it and is worth it.

Empathizing with the user, talking to the owner and the customers, and all the research behind, allowed us to create and design the ux and ui of our e-commerce website.

Starting with a good brainstorming of us 4, allowed us to see what were the best options for us.

We created this user-friendly, clean website, inspired by the Japanese comics, which have a clean monochromatic look to them, just like our physical store, where the comics and the merchandise are the main characters of it.

Here we have an overview of our ux/ui Design for Grober Unfug, in this page, we can find people's favorites, from the newest things in store to the best sellers, in this opportunity, our user Dave is so excited because he saw “ is available in-store, and he wants to buy it online.

As he finishes reviewing the information, he proceeds to add it to his cart.

Now he is very interested to know more about this Cowboy Bepop, so he searches for it and he looks at the info they have online and what people are saying about it.

He is not sure, he thinks is best to go to the store and talk to the owner to see what he thinks. if is worth buying it.

He goes directly to the checkout to make sure to buy what he wants.

He proceeds to click on “pick up in-store” since he is already going to talk to the owner.

This online website wants to make the buyer feel like he is in the actual store, we decided to bring their essence by letting the comics be the main character, a very clean and white online store is exactly how we perceive their physical store.

We expect and hope that this website allows Grober Unfug to have bigger sales and a bigger online presence, and for people to be able to research on their e-commerce website and have the opportunity to buy online.

