The Person Who Pays the Price/Bedelini Ödeyen KişiSometimes I wonder about this magical universe. For example, they call it the law of attraction, what you give up comes back to you. I…Sep 111Sep 111
Maybe It’s Time To Give Up/Belki Vazgeçme Zamanı GelmiştirSometimes we are too patient. The more we are patient, the more we embrace life and fill with life energy. Sometimes we run out of patience…Mar 10, 20235Mar 10, 20235
Why did the Illuminati disappear?/İlluminati Neden Ortadan Kayboldu ?In 1784, the Bavarian Duke Karl Theodor banned all societies not previously authorized by law, and the following year issued a second…Jan 13, 20231Jan 13, 20231
Thin-Spirited People Are Doomed To Feel Sad In This Life / İnce Ruhlu İnsanlar Bu Hayatta Daima…Unfortunately, there are people in this world who are very thoughtful and take their loved ones very seriously. I say unfortunately because…Dec 21, 20224Dec 21, 20224
Fatigue / TükenmişlikDo you know what it feels like to be self-aware? Not seeing yourself as belonging to where you are. I believe that I am more, but it means…Dec 16, 20223Dec 16, 20223
Lion Bad Trait /Aslan Burcu Kötü ÖzellikThe worst traits of the Leo sign are that they value the other person more than they deserve. Buddha has to do with his magnanimity. He…Nov 15, 2022Nov 15, 2022
LİON / ASLANLeo people attract attention with their very generous nature. But if he thinks it is being used, he will understand the situation and will…Oct 20, 2022Oct 20, 2022
Brutal People /Acımasız İnsanlarAre there situations that you can’t get out of that you think happen to everyone? For example, it happens to me a lot. Am I experiencing…Oct 20, 2022Oct 20, 2022