How I Met Your Father

The Melinda
2 min readAug 11, 2020


Perhaps everyone’s biggest fear is death and to be alone. Therefore, we are all constantly looking for the meaning of our existence as well as someone to share our bed, body, dreams, thoughts, and eventually our life with. This is our strongest desire, the power that keeps us going from one day to another. Searching.

As far as I remember, I’ve always been a ‘lonely wolf’ type. I didn’t understand why, but I’ve always felt ‘left out’. Everyone around me had someone. And of course, I wasn’t always alone, no. All the romances I had were magical, and each one of them was a real ‘movie screen’ story. But none of them last too long and more importantly I’ve always been the one being left alone at the end.

After a time, I realized two things. First, that the reason why I’m alone all the time is both because of my bad luck and because of what I look for in people. High expectations, you could say, but I’ve always been searching for someone who’s intelligent, funny, passionate, surprising, and most of all inspiring. Secondly, I had to realize that searching is not working. It never does. Not with my (or if you agree — ‘our’) kind. What you can do is just keep working on yourself as well as keep believing that there is someone out there who’s feeling and looking for the same and one day when you’re both ready you will meet. Yes, I’m being massively sentimental here, but this is a love story after all.

So, what I’ve done is to keep doing what I knew for sure that makes me the fullest and happiest: traveling. Searching for myself but not for someone else. This approach and a series of totally random decisions lead me to Bali last June…

