photo credit: Joshua Earle

How to Rewire Your Brain to Perform Difficult Tasks

Melissa Chu
Jumpstart Your Dream Life


Why do some people accomplish so much, while others do hardly anything at all?

How is one person able to exercise, hold meetings, and finish numerous tasks before lunch, while someone else hasn’t gotten out of bed yet? How does someone work on their craft, day after day for years, while someone else can only daydream about getting started?

We all know what we should be doing. We should be learning. We should be staying healthy. We should be working on things that will pay dividends in the future.

But we don’t. You see, those things aren’t easy. In fact, they can be incredibly hard.

It’s much easier to do something like, say, playing mobile games. Even if you know deep down, while your thumb taps the screen, that you aren’t being productive.

Why do we burn away the time doing things that don’t contribute to our well-being?

To reach the answer, let’s take a look at an immensely popular mobile game: Candy Crush.

Why It’s Hard to Crush the Addiction

With over 2 billion downloads, Candy Crush Saga ranks high up on the list of popular mobile games. The company that created the game, King Digital Entertainment, was valued at $7.08 billion at its IPO in 2014…



Melissa Chu
Jumpstart Your Dream Life

I write about living better, creating great work, and making an impact. Get your guide to achieving your goals at