5 Reasons Issa Rae is a Trailblazer

Melissa Eno Effa
4 min readFeb 1, 2019


Issa Rae, Actress, Writer, Producer

As most people with any amount of sense, I am deeply in love with writer, actress, and producer, Issa Rae. As a fellow Black female creator I am greatly inspired by her. I can honestly say that because of her I gained the confidence to create my own opportunities and for that she will always hold a special place in my heart. I think it’s only appropriate to share how much this Queen has been a trailblazer not only for African American women, but for our society in general.

  1. She created and opened the door herself

Issa Rae was one of the first to create a web series (Awkward Black Girl) that went majorly viral, and from there launched her career. She didn’t have to climb up ladders going from writer’s assistant, to staff writer, to story editor, to executive producer to… you get the drill. She created her own opportunity and skipped major steps. Not only does she have her own show on HBO, but she is the executive producer for several other projects. Issa Rae represents a figure who did not play by Hollywood’s traditional rules of making it. She reminds us that you do not have to wait for anyone to choose you, you can choose yourself. Issa Rae shows little Black girls that in a society that often ignores them, they have a voice and they matter.

2. Changing the Beauty Standard

Issa Rae is a dark skin Black woman that rocks 4b hair (extremely kinky hair). She is the creator of a show (Insecure) that showcases two dark skin Black women as leads. In Hollywood this is almost unheard of. The usual leading ladies of Black Hollywood are racially ambiguous, light skin, with loose curls. On Insecure we not only get to see the other end of the spectrum, but get to watch two dark skin Black women become the object of romantic affection and desire. Issa Rae is intentional about this casting choice as she has stated “I prioritize making dark skin women desirable. That’s been overlooked. Also, seeing them as beautiful, in addition to desirable, which are two very different things. As a dark skin woman myself I was taunted for my skin complexion growing up and wished I could look on TV to see women that looked like me. What Issa is doing is revolutionary because the more we see dark skin Black women at the forefront, the more their beauty will be normalized.

3. Production company that supports Black Female content

Issa Rae Productions and Color Creative are both companies that Issa owns that supports and advocates for minority creators especially Black women. It was just announced that Issa is executive producing and all Black Female Sketch show with Robin Thede where the writers, directors and cast will all be Black women. If that’s not a trail blazer move I don’t know what is.

4. Layered Black Female Characters

Issa Rae is the Queen of the awkward Black girl. Part of the reason her web series was such a phenomenon was because the character she was displaying was so different than the normal stereotypical tropes that we see of Black women such as, overly sassy, loud, strong, educated, etc. Some of these tropes are not necessarily bad, but it doesn’t leave a lot of room for layers and nuance. Black women are multi-dimensional and showing a Black woman who doesn’t have it all together and is a little, well actually very, awkward was refreshing to see.

5. Teaching us the importance of building a horizontal Network

Issa Rae supports her friends that she started out with and she is an advocate for seeking to formulate relationships with those on your same level instead of just seeking to network up. In an interview with NewsOne Rae says, “we shouldn’t be aiming to network up — we should be networking across: “Who’s next to you? Who’s struggling? Who’s in the trenches with you? Who’s just as hungry as you are? And those are the people that you need to build with.” This was the best piece of advice that Issa can give to those aspiring to make it big in entertainment because it teaches us the value of formulating strong relationships versus just seeking relationship from people you think can do something for you, which is also a revolutionary mindset.

6. She boldly speaks out for her community (Okay sorry I had to add one more…sue me!)

Issa Rae is known to speak unapologetically about her community. Unless you are sitting under a rock, we all witnessed the video that went viral of Issa being interviewed at the Golden Globes. She simply stated, “ I am rooting for everyone Black”. She also was unafraid to point out the many contradictions of Kanye West when she hosted the CFDA’s saying “I’m about as fashionable as Kanye is black — only when it’s convenient…that joke was my choice, just like slavery,” It is clear where Issa stands in supporting her people and it is refreshing to have someone that is willing to stand in the gap. Issa not only opens doors for those who look like her, but she stands up for them as well and that deserves a standing ovation.



Melissa Eno Effa

Bahamian, Nigerian, 1st generation American writer stationed in Los Angeles. I love all things Jesus, Michael Jackson, random twerk sessions and Black.