What are the 7 Pieces Armor of God? A Guide to Spiritual Resilience

Mallory Eden
9 min readFeb 29, 2024


Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash

Have you ever felt like life is a battle, where you’re fighting against things you can’t even see?

Well, you’re not alone.

This fight is called spiritual warfare, and it’s about facing challenges that aren’t just about what we can touch or see, but about deeper struggles within us and around us.

But don’t worry, we’re not left without help.

The Bible talks about something called the Armor of God, which is like special gear to protect us in this battle. It’s found in a part of the Bible called Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 10 to 18.

This Armor isn’t made of metal or leather; it’s made of virtues like truth, peace, faith, and a few more that we’ll talk about. These virtues help us stand strong and keep going, even when things get tough.

So, let’s dive in and learn more about how we can wear this Armor every day to help us in our unseen battles.

The Importance of the Armor of God

Imagine you’re a superhero for a moment. Like any superhero, you need a suit to protect you and give you special powers to fight off the bad guys.

In a similar way, when we follow Jesus, we enter into a kind of superhero life where we also face battles — not with villains from comic books, but with challenges and temptations that can make life really tough.

This is where the Armor of God comes in.

But instead of being made of capes or shields, it’s made up of good things like truth, peace, faith, and a few more qualities that make us strong.

It’s very important for anyone who wants to live a good and faithful life.

The Armor of God helps us in two big ways:

  • Defense: Just like a knight’s armor protects them from enemy attacks, the Armor of God keeps us safe from things that could hurt our spirit or lead us away from doing what’s right. It’s like a shield that stops negative thoughts, bad choices, and harmful influences from getting to us.
  • Offense: But the Armor of God isn’t just for defense. It also helps us move forward and spread goodness. With it, we can share truth, bring peace to tough situations, stand strong in what we believe, and spread love and kindness, just like Jesus did. It’s like having superhero gadgets that help us do amazing things for others and ourselves.

So, wearing the Armor of God is super important. It not only keeps us safe but also helps us to make a positive difference in the world, fighting off the bad and bringing in the good.

Understanding the 7 Pieces of Armor

The Armor of God equips us with essential virtues for resilience and strength. In this section, we’ll explore each piece of this armor, understanding its role and how we can apply its principles to our daily lives for wisdom, protection, and peace.

Belt of Truth

Just like a belt holds your pants up, the Belt of Truth holds your life together with honesty. It’s about being true because Jesus is the truth.

Practical applications: When you make choices or decide what to believe, use truth as your guide. Ask yourself, “Is this honest? Is it true?” This helps you live a life that’s real and not based on lies or make-believe.

Breastplate of Righteousness

A breastplate protects your heart in battle. Righteousness means doing what’s right and good, just like Jesus did.

Practical applications: Try to do the right thing in all situations, even when it’s hard. This keeps your heart safe from bad choices and helps you live a life that makes you and others happy.

Gospel of Peace

Shoes help you stand firm and go places. The Gospel of Peace is like shoes that prepare you to walk through life spreading peace, just like Jesus brings peace.

Practical applications: Be someone who makes peace. When there’s arguing or fighting, try to help make things calm and peaceful again.

Shield of Faith

A shield protects you from attacks. Faith is trusting God and believing He’s with you, even when things are tough.

Practical applications: When you’re scared or unsure, remember to trust in God. Your faith can protect you from worries and fears.

Helmet of Salvation

A helmet protects your head. Salvation is knowing Jesus has saved you and given you eternal life.

Practical applications: Keep your mind filled with the good news that you’re loved and saved by Jesus. This helps protect your thoughts from bad stuff and keeps you focused on what’s truly important.

Sword of the Spirit

The Sword of the Spirit is the Bible, God’s Word. Just like a sword in battle, it’s your tool to fight off things that are wrong.

Practical applications: Learn what the Bible says and use its teachings to face life’s challenges. It’s like having the best advice right at your fingertips.


Prayer is talking to God, just like you’d talk to a friend. It’s a way to ask for help, say thank you, and stay close to Him.

Practical applications: Make time to pray and chat with God about anything and everything. It keeps you connected to Him and strengthens you for whatever comes your way.

The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Warfare

Prayer is like a superpower in our battle against unseen challenges. It acts like a shield, keeping us safe, and a sword, helping us move forward.

Let’s look at how prayer works as both a defense and an attack, and share some tips on how to pray effectively while wearing our spiritual armor.

Using Prayer to Protect Ourselves

Prayer is like wrapping ourselves in a big, protective bubble. It keeps away worries, fears, and wrong thoughts that can make us feel weak or lost.

Tips for Protective Prayer:

  • Talk to God Morning and Night: Just like saying hello in the morning and goodnight before bed, talk to God when you start and end your day.
  • Pray Using Bible Verses: Pick a verse from the Bible and use it as your prayer. It’s like using God’s own words to build a safe space around you.
  • Pay Attention to Your Prayers: Really think about what you’re saying to God. This helps build a strong wall that bad vibes can’t get through.

Using Prayer to Move Forward

Prayer isn’t just for defense. It’s also how we push back against things that try to stop us from being happy and doing good. It’s how we remind ourselves and the world that God is in charge and His goodness wins.

Tips for Moving Forward with Prayer:

  • Pray for Others: When you pray for friends, family, and even people you don’t know, you’re helping spread goodness like a superhero.
  • Speak with Confidence: Remember, when you pray, you’re powerful. Say your prayers like you mean them, believing that good things will happen.
  • Keep Asking: If you don’t get an answer right away, don’t give up. Keep asking God. Showing you believe and won’t give up can make big things happen.

Mixing Prayer with Your Spiritual Armor

Think of prayer as the magic glue that holds your spiritual armor together. It makes sure everything works together perfectly and keeps you ready for anything.

How to Mix Them:

  • Pray for Every Piece: Imagine putting on your armor piece by piece — truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and God’s word. As you do, talk to God about each one. This gets you set for the day, fully protected and powered up.

In simple terms, prayer is our way to stay safe and fight back in our spiritual battles. By really getting how important prayer is and using these simple tips, we can use this amazing tool to stay strong and spread good vibes, no matter what challenges come our way.

Real-Life Applications and Testimonies

The Armor of God is more than a metaphor; it’s a practical guide for living out our faith in every aspect of life. By looking at biblical characters, historical Christians, and personal experiences, we can see the Armor of God in action and understand its impact on our mental and emotional well-being.

Biblical Characters

Daniel: Trusting in Prayer

In the lions’ den, Daniel faced what seemed like certain death. Yet, his commitment to prayer, representing a piece of the Armor of God, shielded him not just physically but also mentally and emotionally. Daniel’s unwavering faith and his daily practice of prayer kept him calm and at peace, even in the face of lethal danger. His story teaches us that prayer is our direct line to God, a source of protection and peace in our most terrifying moments.

Esther: Wearing the Breastplate of Righteousness

Queen Esther, faced with the potential genocide of her people, chose to stand up for what was right, despite the personal risk. Her breastplate of righteousness protected her heart from fear and despair, guiding her to make decisions that were aligned with God’s will. Esther’s story is a powerful reminder of how righteousness not only guides our actions but also guards our emotions, giving us the courage to do what is right.

Historical Christians

Corrie ten Boom: Finding Strength in the Midst of Adversity

Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch Christian, and her family risked their lives to hide Jews from the Nazis during World War II. Despite facing unimaginable suffering in a concentration camp, Corrie clung to her faith and forgiveness. Her story shows us how the Armor of God can sustain us through the darkest times.

Jim Elliot: Spreading Peace and Truth

Jim Elliot, a missionary to Ecuador, sought to share the gospel with a remote tribe. Despite facing danger, he trusted in God’s protection and used the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, to bring peace and salvation to others. Jim’s bravery reminds us of the power of faith and the importance of sharing God’s love with the world.

My Personal Testimony

I’ve been a Christian since I was young, and the Armor of God has been my guide through life’s ups and downs. From figuring out my path in life to choosing a partner and raising children, it’s been there every step of the way.

After college, the pressure to succeed was overwhelming. I felt the need to make money, prove myself, and take shortcuts to get ahead. But I was reminded of God’s peace and salvation. I don’t need to earn approval or salvation because I already have God’s love. With prayer, I found the grace to follow God’s plan for me.

As a teacher and a mom of two young children, my days are full of giving without expecting much in return. But the Armor of God reminds me that God has already given everything for me, filling me with joy and love to serve others. No matter what challenges come my way, I have faith that God is with me every step of the journey.


Each piece of the Armor of God plays a crucial role in our spiritual journey. The Belt of Truth keeps us grounded in reality, the Breastplate of Righteousness protects our hearts, and the Gospel of Peace guides our steps. The Shield of Faith defends us from doubts, the Helmet of Salvation guards our minds, and the Sword of the Spirit equips us for battle. Finally, prayer strengthens our connection to God and empowers us to face any challenge.

Daily putting on the Armor of God is essential for spiritual resilience. It’s not just a one-time action but a continuous practice of faith and trust in God’s protection and guidance.

As you reflect on the Armor of God, consider which piece you need to strengthen in your life. Is it truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, the Word of God, or prayer? Take intentional steps to strengthen that area and rely on God’s power to help you grow.

Share Your Experience

I’d love to hear about your experiences with the Armor of God. Feel free to share your stories, struggles, and victories in the comments section below. Your insights may encourage and inspire others on their spiritual journey.

Additional Resources

For those interested in deepening their understanding of the Armor of God, we recommend further reading, prayers, or studies. Check out the suggested resources below to explore this topic in more depth:

  • “The Armor of God” by Priscilla Shirer
  • “Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan to Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer” by Priscilla Shirer
  • “The Battle Plan for Prayer: From Basic Training to Targeted Strategies” by Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick

These resources offer valuable insights and practical tools to help you grow in your spiritual resilience and engage in effective spiritual warfare.



Mallory Eden

Christ-follower, mom, wife, teacher, daughter, friend. Life is messy - it’s great to write about it.