Melissa GroveOnly a Mom Would UnderstandI am always a little turned off by people who say things like, “You’re not X so you wouldn’t understand.”Feb 18, 20173Feb 18, 20173
Melissa GroveinDabblerHow do I get over losing my job?Last Friday, I went in to work just like any other Friday. I walked past a bullpen of bushy-tailed, recent graduates to my small…Feb 9, 20172Feb 9, 20172
Melissa GroveDropoutsIt’s 9 p.m. on a Saturday and Lia calls to say she’s had a revelation.Feb 7, 2017Feb 7, 2017
Melissa GroveinHingedBut Chopsticks Came Between UsWhen I was 17, I was dating this girl and I thought I was going to marry her. Marry her, in the most bohemian sense. We’d rent a loft…Jan 28, 20172Jan 28, 20172
Melissa GroveinThoughts And IdeasMaybe Nothing ChangesI walk outside to get the car warmed up. A snow drift from the roof has piled neatly on my windshield. I use a thickly covered arm to…Jan 20, 20172Jan 20, 20172
Melissa GroveCompetitivelyLet me say this first, I believe middle-aged women these days have a lot of pressure heaped upon them to look as fresh as their teenage…Jan 18, 2017Jan 18, 2017
Melissa GroveUntimelyHis left eye twitched. Another tumor bubbling up, John thought, and he rubbed his forehead furiously.Jan 18, 20171Jan 18, 20171
Melissa GroveinHuman PartsEmptilyHe always seemed to know what I wanted, even when I didn’tJan 11, 20177Jan 11, 20177