Melissa Hankin
2 min readJun 1, 2016


Microsoft Excel Templates That Boost Profits

Microsoft Excel templates are Excel workbooks that can be used as models, examples or copies to create similar workbooks. Microsoft Excel allows users to create databases, charts and lists that are not only effective and comprehensive, but functional as well. It also offers a wide variety of templates that can be used to schedule events and tasks, create budgets and send invoices among many other uses that make life easier.

Out of all Microsoft Excel templates, the employee shift schedule template is perhaps the most popular among business owners and managers as it offers an excellent employee scheduling platform without having to spend a lot of money.

Other than coming at practically no cost, saving a lot of scheduling time, and being readily available, these templates come with a wide range of benefits that apply to most businesses. To begin with, managers can manage employee schedules and payroll records through these templates without having to cope with pen and paper copies. Excel scheduling templates can be shared within a group of employees via several web-based systems or sent directly to everyone as attachments so that all employees can have access to their schedules.

In short, when used as a scheduling tool, Microsoft excel templates make the scheduling process easier and more effective. Employee schedules have a major impact on profitability and the consequences of ineffective work schedules are usually evident in form of staff conflicts, work-related stress, increased absenteeism, poor productivity and eventual poor employee retention. In short, employees find it difficult to function optimally with continuous schedule changes. As expected, the consequences of ineffective staff schedules can be extremely costly for any business, large or small.

All in all, whether used as an employee scheduling tool or not, Microsoft Excel templates remain the most valuable computing tools in history. They are extremely effective for managing projects, managing finances, and generally keeping the daily operations of a business well — organized. However, one area that these templates really shine is scheduling. To learn more about Microsoft Excel templates, their many uses and how to personalize them, read more in the rest of this article.



Melissa Hankin

Melissa Hankin is a blog writer and contributor to HubWorks. Melissa is in charge of content for Hubworks products which include: Zip Schedules and Zip Clock.