Why I Will Never Read 50 Shades of Grey

Melissa Muth
4 min readJan 5, 2019

This is just my opinion on why I will never read 50 Shades of Grey. Please feel free to leave comments on why you did or did not like the book.

Much to my friends disbelief, I never read the book series 50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James. Nor do I have the motivation to read it. In regards to the book cover, I will credit that it was creative and eye-catching. However my first reason why I didn’t want to read the book was due to the plot and subject material. Which made me kindly put the book back on its shelf.

Fan-fictions Vs Novels:

I understand that the book was originally a fan-fiction which I am perfectly okay with the world of fan-fiction. I even write fan-fiction because I love writing about characters from my favorite fandoms. I will proudly raise my hand to declare that I proudly wrote Homestuck fan-fictions and Loki fan-fictions. Am I good at it? No, not really. Did I make myself happy by writing them. Yes. Now let’s analyze this scenario with E.L. James. From what I understood, 50 Shades of Grey was based off of a fan-fiction the E.L. James wrote. It had become so popular that I believe the writer was encouraged to try to get it published. E.L. James had to rewrite the original fan-fiction with new names most likely due to copyright issues with using character names from an already established series. (I believe it was originally a Twilight fan-fiction from what I could gather.) I have a hunch that during this editing process, a lot that was loved within that…

