Hope in an Otherwise Crap Year

Melissa Ryan
Published in
5 min readDec 20, 2020


For the last Ctrl Alt-Right Delete of the year, I’ve turned things over to readers and friends of the newsletter. I asked people to tell us what makes them hopeful for 2021. I do this as much for myself as I do for you, because as you surely know by now I’m not a hopeful person by nature, and hearing where others are hopeful always inspires and encourages me. The responses are thoughtful, realistic, and yes hopeful. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have. -MJR

I’m hopeful about new opportunities to regulate media, tech, and telecom in the public interest in 2021. Hate and disinformation are rampant on broadcast, cable, and social media, and causing grave harms. The pandemic has shown us that internet access is a basic necessity, yet millions are going without, missing out on education, job opportunities, and more. I’m excited to see people in power who are willing to do something about these problems, to serving the people instead of exclusively focusing on enriching themselves. I’m hopeful even though I know we have many details to sort through and much work ahead. On a personal level, the vaccine rollout is bringing me a great deal of hope. I know there is no returning to normal, but I’m looking forward to a few things: hugs, seeing loved ones in real life, and suspending the charade that I can teach small humans how to read.



Melissa Ryan

Politics + technology. Author of Ctrl Alt Right Delete newsletter. Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/c74Vva. Coffee drinker. Kentucky basketball fan.