Crystals for Forgiveness: 12 Gemstones to Help you Let Go of Resentment and Move Forward

Melissa Smith
4 min readDec 24, 2023


Holding onto resentment and being unable to forgive those who have hurt you can take a huge toll on your mental and emotional well-being. Forgiveness is not only healthy for you, but can also help improve relationships or bring closure to challenging situations from your past. Working with certain crystals can help support the forgiveness process and promote inner healing.

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Here are 12 gemstones that are well-known for their association with forgiveness and releasing resentment.


Amethyst is a powerful crystal ally for forgiveness work. Its calming purple hues have a soothing effect on both the mind and emotions. Amethyst helps promote inner peace, clarity of thought, and balanced judgment. It encourages level-headedness and can dissolve resentment or grudges that are based more in emotion than reason. Carry an amethyst crystal or wear an amethyst pendant to keep the energy of forgiveness at the forefront of your mind.

Green Aventurine

Green aventurine brings a sense of compassion and goodwill. It supports letting go of bitter feelings towards others and cultivating forgiveness instead. This crystal emits an energizing yet soothing vibration that lifts your spirit. Green aventurine encourages seeing situations from a wider perspective and finding the higher road. Place some tumbled green aventurine stones in your pocket as a daily reminder of choosing forgiveness over resentment.


Kunzite activates the heart chakra and promotes unconditional love — including self-love. With kunzite’s help, you can forgive others as well as yourself for any past mistakes or shortcomings. It amplifies your capacity for empathy, grace and understanding. Kunzite dissolves walls between people and mends broken connections. Carry this crystal or hold it during meditation to open your heart to forgiveness.

Rose Quartz

As the crystal of unconditional love, rose quartz has strong associations with forgiveness. Its soothing pink hue emanates compassion. Rose quartz melts away resentment, eases emotional wounds, and uplifts your mood. It encourages you to respond to hurt with kindness rather than dwelling in negativity. Place rose quartz around your home or bedroom to fill the space with its forgiving, loving vibration every night as you rest and restore.


Turquoise aids communication and self-expression. It promotes honest, level-headed discussion which can help resolve issues and pave the way for forgiveness. Turquoise also relieves stress, sadness or depression — heavy feelings that may otherwise block your ability to forgive. Carry or wear turquoise when working through challenging situations to stay centered in open-mindedness, patience and compassion.


Moonstone enhances intuition, insight, sensitivity and nurturing energies. It helps you gain understanding of others and of situations from a more empathetic point of view. Moonstone boosts emotional healing to release resentment. Connecting with this crystal during meditation can bring clarity and closure, illuminating the path to forgiveness. Place moonstone near your bed to absorb its calming energy while sleeping.


Celestite attunes you to higher wisdom and your spiritual side. It raises your vibration and expands your perception. Celestite helps peel back layers of negative emotion so you can see the deeper truth and meaning in experiences. With celestite’s guidance, forgiveness becomes a natural response that arises from insight, not forcing yourself. Keep some celestite nearby when reflecting on past hurts to gain a more enlightened outlook.


Azurite aids clear communication on an intellectual level to sort through challenging situations. It promotes logical, fact-based thinking over emotional reactions. Azurite banishes confusion and misconceptions that may block forgiveness. With this crystal’s help, you gain understanding to work through resentments in a productive way. Carry azurite or place it by your workspace when untangling past circumstances.


The soothing blue hue of larimar has a calming yet uplifting vibration. It relieves heaviness, stress or turmoil holding you back from forgiveness. Larimar connects you to peaceful, loving energies on a soul level. It encourages seeing the inherent humanity and goodness in others, even when relationships have been damaged. Larimar nurtures inner peace and harmony, keystones of the forgiveness process.


Amazonite facilitates release of resentment through truth, honesty and inner trust. It boosts courage to handle forgiveness work with wisdom, care and authenticity. Amazonite dispels doubt, fear or confusion and enhances self-confidence. With its guidance, speaking and listening from the heart come naturally. Keep amazonite nearby for strength when facing challenging forgiveness situations with openness.


This iridescent stone enhances magical, mystical thinking. Labradorite expands your perception beyond what is seen on the surface level. It illuminates deeper meanings, motivations and spiritual lessons underneath challenging events. With labradorite’s aid, forgiveness arises from wisdom and understanding rather than bitterness or blame. Its energy helps close challenging chapters with grace, optimism and growth.


Danburite powers up your intuition to see hidden truths. It boosts spiritual insight and the ability to sense others’ intentions or energy. Danburite clears psychic clutter obscuring clarity. With it, you recognize situations more objectively and gain compassion. Its calming light vibration nurtures inner peace. Danburite supports surfacing spiritual realizations key to extending forgiveness from a centered, enlightened place.

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I hope exploring these crystals helps uplift your spirit to forgive and move forward in a healthy way. Forgiveness is a journey that unfolds at its own pace. Be patient yet persistent, and don’t forget to show compassion for yourself as well. With the right crystal allies and an open heart, forgiveness has the power to transform your life for the better.

