List of Crystals That Can Go in Salt

Melissa Smith
3 min readDec 21, 2023


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Salt has long been revered for its natural cleansing abilities. When crystals are added to salt, their healing energies can be amplified and utilized in a variety of ways at home. Here are some of the best crystals for infusing in salt and their associated properties:


One of the most popular crystals overall, amethyst gives salt a soothing, calming energy. Known as a stress reliever, amethyst salt can help promote feelings of tranquility and peace of mind. Its high vibrational frequency aids in relaxation and improves both mood and sleep. Stirring amethyst crystals into bath salts allows you to reap these benefits through soaking in the tub.


Associated with prosperity and abundance, citrine crystals lend optimism and positivity when added to salt. Use citrine salt to draw more abundance, clarity, and vitality into your home or workspace. Its cheerful golden hue also provides a visual uplift. Citrine’s energy supports motivation, creativity, and self-confidence.

Clear Quartz

As the “master healer” crystal, clear quartz amplifies and balances all other crystal energies. Adding clear quartz crystals to salt infuses it with a powerful cleansing vibration perfect for all-purpose use. Clear quartz salt cleanses and purifies energies on a spiritual, emotional and physical level. Use it to sweep away negativity, remove blocks, and raise vibrations in any room of the home or office.

Rose Quartz

Gently soothing in its pink glow, rose quartz is a nurturing crystal for self-love, compassion, and emotional healing. Rose quartz salt baths induce relaxation, lower stress levels, and ease tension. The unconditional love vibration helps release feelings of sadness, anger or insecurity. Keep rose quartz salt near your bed to promote restful sleep and sweet dreams.


Vibrant electric turquoise lends its friendly, calming energy to salt. Turquoise is a protection stone that safeguards homes and offices against negative vibrations. Use a turquoise salt mixture to remove toxic energies and shield your space. Traditionally used by Native American tribes for cleansing and purification rituals, turquoise salt uplifts your mood and spiritual well-being.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline’s powerful grounding essence absorbs and neutralizes electromagnetic smog and other unseen influences like WiFi and cell signals. Add black tourmaline chips to bath salts or keep a bowl of the black salt mixture in your home to “clean up” electronic energies. This crystal also purifies and protects one’s aura from outside influences trying to disturb balance.


Rich in iron content, hematite imbues salt with an earthy, stabilizing energy. Known for its calming influence, hematite offsets nervous tension and stress responses to help you gain perspective. Use hematite salt to increase feelings of security and centeredness. This crystal powers focus and concentration, making it ideal when studying or working on detailed tasks that require mental clarity.


A crystal favorite for clearing and cleansing, selenite uplifts and activates all areas it touches. Selenite salt scrubs away psychic debris, purges negativity, and recharges the environment with high vibrations. Selenite’s dynamic light energy invigorates the body and soul, restoring vitality and brightening one’s mindset. The translucent white crystal imparts a renewing sense of freshness wherever you use its infused salt blend.

Smoky Quartz

Earthy smoky quartz counteracts electromagnetic stress and strengthens one’s grounding cord to the planet. Its protective nature wards off negative energies trying to infiltrate your space. Smoky quartz salt absorbs and dissipates atmospheres of tension, fear or anxiety. Place some in your home’s entryway to screen out unwelcome frequencies coming through your front door. Use it to ease overwhelm and regain emotional balance.

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Adding healing crystals to salt provides an accessible way to bring the potent energies of stones into your self-care rituals and household cleansing practices. Experiment mixing different crystal combinations tailored to your unique needs and the spaces you’re looking to uplift. Just be sure to store crystal infused salts safely sealed until ready for use. The benefits of these vibrant blends will leave you feeling renewed in mind, body and spirit.

