Is This “Turning Red” Review Racist?

And should it have been deleted?

Melissa Smith
7 min readMar 23, 2022
Disney and Pixar’s Turning Red

CinemaBlend’s managing director, Sean O’Connell, is the scourge of the Earth. What he did was astoundingly terrible — not only did he not care for the latest Pixar film Turning Red, he also had the audacity to write down why.

What’s worse, he published these heinous thoughts, giving the movie an unacceptable 2.5 out of 5 stars.

When O’Connell posted his Turning Red review, plenty of netizens saw red and demanded that the film critic be “held accountable” which, in cancel culture language, means fired.

The review ignited fury on social media and spawned at least 10 reviews reviewing the review of the critic’s criticism.

After the backlash, CinemaBlend promptly took action, writing on their Twitter page:

We failed to properly edit this review, and it never should have gone up. We have unpublished it and assigned to someone else. We have also added new levels of editorial oversight. Thank you to everyone who spoke up.

Not only did they tear down the review from their website, but they replaced it with an “acceptable” review that praised the movie with a 4/5 star review, and presumably forced O’Connell to apologize for his disgraceful thoughts and to thank the people who wanted…

