It Could Happen to YOU: Do You Have a Responsibility to Speak Up?

Susan French
2 min readNov 24, 2017


ST. PETERSBURG — Say what you want about MLMs but you can’t deny that they have been an effective source of income for many. It is estimated that network marketing makes up 70% of direct sales income in the United States. All over the world, distributors are in the tens of millions.

Gaining success and wealth by way of a grassroots investment in yourself is the fabric of our country’s culture. There’s no question why MLMs hold such allure for so many people. The idea that you can have your own enterprise without compromising time with your family, a full time job or other life choice is the promise of the American dream.

But in today’s economy, is it too good to be true?

That’s the great irony for Burke Hedges. He says, it’s not.

After a successful career in network marketing and authoring a book called Who Stole The American Dream?, a tale of corporate greed and MLM prosperity, he finds himself fighting for his dreams at the hands of an MLM.

But even after the excruciating legal battle that has cost him an estimated 1 million dollars, Hedges believes MLMs are mostly good, ethical companies who want distributors to thrive. He says he has a duty to speak up and educate other distributors about LifeVantage’s (LFVN) termination and nonrenewal policies so they don’t end up where he is.

So, now I want to turn that question around to you, distributors and the general public:

Do You Have a Responsibility to Speak Up?

As Hedges inches towards Monday’s jury trial which will provide judgment on only part of the circumstances surrounding his severance with LFVN , he won’t roll over. He prepares to appeal until he can have his day in court to present a case for distributor rights in court.

But it’s just another case in the public records of Utah 3rd district courts if the public doesn’t care enough to share it. Will you seek out updates on the trial? Will you spread the word?

It could happen to you.

How many people do you know who are involved with an MLM? What if it was you or someone you loved fighting an MLM giant in court? These are the questions the public is asking themselves as Monday’s jury trial on the case of Burke Hedges v. LifeVantage approaches.

For updates on Monday, follow this blog.

