The Difference Between Xeriscape and Zeroscape

Mellco Landscaping
2 min readMay 3, 2019


When designing your landscape, a Utah landscapers might ask you if you prefer xeriscape or zeroscape yards. These words sound pretty similar, but they mean two completely different things. These two words are used to describe two different landscape designs that homeowners can implement into their yards. Let’s take a closer look at exactly what xeriscape and zeroscape are.


Xeriscape is an organized landscape design that incorporates plants that hardly need any water. If you live in a more dry climate, xeriscape designs are a great idea to implement because you can have a beautiful yard with little maintenance. If you don’t enjoy spending much time in your yard or don’t have the time to keep up with yard work but still want some outdoor plants, then a xeriscape yard is perfect for you. If you are really looking for a low maintenance yard, you should also consider replacing grass for turf. This way you don’t have to worry about watering or cutting your grass. Xeriscape is common in more desert areas, however, Utah landscapers have been able to implement this design in many Utah homes and suburban areas.

There are a few trees and shrubs that don’t require much water, and really thrive in drier climates. Perennials like yarrow, agave, sagebrush, cacti and white gaura are most commonly seen in xeriscape yards. Utah landscapers will also set up an irrigation system in your yard, making it so that you don’t have to water any plants very often. With plants that don’t need much water, you are going to see a decrease in your water bill as well as some more free time to spend enjoying your yard rather than working in it.


Zeroscape is a landscape design made up of dirt or gravel with essentially no plants in it. These are also popular in desert areas since not many plants can survive in such hot and dry climates. There is no planning or design involved in zeroscape landscapes, so you probably won’t need to hire a Utah landscaper if you go this route. Your yard will consist of gravel, dirt and potentially a few plants here and there if you decide to add some. Zeroscape yards are extremely plain, however, if you are looking for the cheapest, low maintenance landscape option out there, then zeroscape is your best option.

Many people frequently interchange these two terms, but it’s important to note that they are very different. If you are working with a landscaper, make sure they know you want a xeriscape design, not a zeroscape one. You could end up with a pretty plain landscape design rather than a well thought-out and planned one. For help planning your xeriscape design, contact a Utah landscaper today!

