Is Plan B distracting you from living a life filled with Plan A?

From Plan B to Plan A and beyond

10 min readAug 14, 2018

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. Walt Disney

Ever since I was 16 and saw my first Almodovar film — Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, my dream has been to live in Madrid, Spain, be fluent in Spanish, be a full-time creative, artist and photographer and live the vida loca.

Yet, I am in my mid-forties and this dream has been the best, well-worn late night pub story I could tell without putting myself out there and taking actions to make it reality. I have in parts tried to make it real but I always gave up in the early stages. I studied Spanish at University but at the moment I am intermediate level at best. I went to Spain once in my 20s but I couldn’t work there at the time without a visa, so I left after a few weeks. I didn’t even try. I have never lived in Spain until now.

Because I have become the master of living, planning and over-achieving on Plan B.

For me, it has been better to keep it a dream that I could imagine with perfect outcomes rather than go through the rough and tumble of making it real. Recently, I have had the opportunity to once more explore this dream and I have…




Chief Digital Officer | Visual Artist | Photographer | IG @melmcveighstudio